> Art Deco in Nice fro Art Deco Ireland

nice1.jpg (21955 bytes) Promenade des Anglais, Nice, December 2000Art Deco in Nice from Art Deco Ireland

brise1.jpg (115048 bytes) La Brise, Nice ,France, Doorway

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monada1.jpg (372730 bytes) La monada, Nice, under reconstruction in December 2000 Too little time to decide - Vote Deco!-

By the sea in Nice survive a number of art deco inspired buildings. Elsewhere in Nice, the Post Office Thiers, near the station with art deco glass, and the Jeanne D'Arc Church, of concrete are worth a look


mer1.jpg (113750 bytes).

Palais de la Mer

La Brise La Mer ( M Massin 1933) Palais de la Méditerranée
mascot3.jpg (27554 bytes) Exterior view La Mascotte, Nice, France  

mascot2.jpg (30047 bytes) Door to La Mascotte, Nice, France

med4.jpg (109078 bytes) Long shot of Palais de la Mediterranee, Nice, 2000


med1.jpg (62385 bytes) Palais de la Mediterranee, Nice, exterior view before reconstruction from Art Deco Ireland.
La Mascotte

above and below

La Mascotte The Palais de la Méditerranée by C & M Dalmas,  an elegant casino dating from 1929, is that most unusual of things, a casino that failed and for many years only a facade remains. The impressive interior was lost. In January 2004, a new hotel opened behind the facade.
mascot1.jpg (34409 bytes) Inscription over Door, La Mascotte, Nice, France from Art Deco Ireland.

La Mascotte

Art Deco Ireland

 Art Deco patternpatrn1.jpg (50965 bytes) Art Deco floral decoration , Promenade des Anglais, Nice from Art Deco Ireland.





Sculptural decoration by A Sartorio on the Palais de la Méditerranéemed3.jpg (71198 bytes) Sculpture by A Sartorio on the Palais de la Mediterranee, Nice, France from Art Deco Ireland