
Deco by the Sea: A miserable summer.  Here for your indoor enjoyment is some seaside Art Deco Ireland, including a visit to the ladies bathing place!

Right and Below:  

The Bull Wall, Clontarf, Dublin has some heavy shelters in concrete, touch of the art deco fortress here.


Bull Wall, Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland, a place to shelter from the rain. Art Deco Ireland.



Bull Wall, Clontarf,

The Bull Wall owes its origin partly to Captain Bligh, who advised on measures to prevent the harbour silting up!  

Shiver me timbers!

Ladies Shelter, Bull Wall Ladies Bathing shelter, Bull Wall, Dublin from Art Deco Ireland. Photo July 2002

Mixed Bathing was frowned on by the Irish Clergy and mixed cycling.

There are several of these art deco style shelters. As you can see, they offer no facilities other than a windbreak, to  ladies or gents taking a dip!

Ladies Shelter



Heavy concrete shelter at the Bull Wall, Clontarf, Dublin. The location on the breakwater intensifies the feeling that this shelter owes something to military architecture of the Maginot line period!

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