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Tour of Tapped In with BJ Berquist

Sunday, February 8, 2004

Chat log


In a relaxing atmosphere BaW participants were guided around Tapped by BJB in what ended being  a real instructive and enjoyable  meeting :-). What a wonderful group!!!




Our Guest Speaker/Tour Guide: BJ Berquist (USA) 

Participants: Anna Koorey (Australia), David Brown (USA), Elderbob/Robert Brannan (USA), Eva Wilden (Germany), Fernanda Rodrigues (Portugal), Jane Petring (Canada), Josefin Bergenholtz (Sweden), Leah Sullivan (Japan), Peter Simon (China) and Raymond Crooke (Australia).

Moderator: Maria Jordano (Spain).


8 Feb 2004

Tapped In

# Tappedin transcript for BJ, 2004.02.08 05:17:35
# BJ contributed 161 messages, 37 emotes, 0 private messages, and 0
private emotes during 83 minutes.

2004.02.08 03:54:26 Login

Room: ASO

BJ joined the room.
FernandGst3 joined the room.
BJ: Hi, Fernada. Are you here fo the tour?
FernandGst3: Hi, BJ
FernandGst3: are we alone?
BJ: for a minute....
FernandGst3: I'm trying to be in both places...
BJ: there are a couple of people in reception
FernandGst3: I've cloned myself
AnnaK joined the room.
EvaW joined the room.
BJ: you can be in both places if you're logged in with two different
browsers, Fernanda
AnnaK: it worked
EvaW: hi again
BJ waves hi to Anna and Eva
FernandGst3: but you need 2 different logins
EvaW: bj: did TI change regarding browser set up? last week I
couldn't change rooms and change the chat window at the same time. This
week there's no problem at all...?
EvaW: my IE browser didn't support changing the chat window
BJ: I don't think anything was changed, Eva other than normal tweeking
of the interface
BJ: it may have been a server problem for you
EvaW: ok... anyway, it works fine now.
RaymondC joined the room.
EvaW: hi ray
RaymondC: hi. it worked!
BJ: good job, Raymond!
EvaW: for me too.
BJ . o O ( now you have a sneak preview of what we're going to learn
today  )
RaymondC: hi BJ
EvaW: great, i look forward to it, bee
BJ: still sorting people in reception so we'll wait a minute or so, if
that's ok?
EvaW: ok, i'll join the reception for a sec
EvaW left the room.
RaymondC: me too
RaymondC left the room.
DavidBro joined the room.
BJ: Hi, David. Welcome
DavidBro: Good morning, all
BJ hands David a cup of coffee
EvaW joined the room.
DavidBro: There's a crowd in reception
EvaW: Hi Dave
BJ nods...several things are going on today
BJ . o O ( which is why I moved the tour to the ASO )
EvaW: Does anyone know whether they'll stay in the reception?
FernandGst3: they are for the session with webheads
EvaW: I'd like to join the session with Bonk from time to time
DavidBro: Sorryy I missed Thursday -- a better time for me.
EvaW: sort of be in two places at the same time
FernandGst3: I'm in both, I'll try to let you know where we'll move
BJ: Eva, yes, they will stay in reception for the Bork interview
EvaW: great, thanks !
MariaJ joined the room.
RaymondC joined the room.
MariaJ: Hi
DavidBro: Hi, Maria.
EvaW: fernand: do you have two TI windows open at the same time?
EvaW: Hi maria
MariaJ: I will be multitasking....
FernandGst3: yes, Eva
EvaW: another one...
BJ: let's get started so we don't run out of time
EvaW: with two different ID's?
DavidBro: How do you do that?
AnnaK left the room (signed off).
AnnaKOGst4 joined the room.
FernandGst3: but I am as a guest in one of them... and I'm using two
MariaJ: since I haven't read my messages from yesterday and the day before
MariaJ: call me if you need anything
BJ: Just to check, everyone is here for the tour?
EvaW: two different bwroeser, like mozilla and IE for example?
MariaJ: not me BJ
DavidBro: I am, Bee
EvaW: me too
AnnaKOGst4 left the room (signed off).
BJ: I'm leading the tour...I've met most of you before...
FernandGst3: netscape and IE, in this case
AnnaK joined the room.
BJ: I'm an art teacher in Pennsylvania and a helpdesk volunteer for
Tapped In
BJ: what I usually do for the tours...
BJ: is show you the basic features of Tapped In

JosefinB joined the room.
BJ: so you are more comfortable here and can explore in more detail on
your own
BJ: does that sound ok with you?
EvaW: it does
RaymondC: yes
BJ: Hi, Josefina. Welcome
DavidBro: Sounds great
JosefinB: Hello!
FernandGst3: ok
EvaW: hi josefin
JosefinB: Sorry, it took me some time to find my way here..
BJ: the first thing we're going to look at is the ME tab at the top of
your screen

BJ: Josefin, we've just started
JosefinB: ok, thanks
BJ: please click on the me tab
EvaW: do we need to click the tab?
BJ . o O ( everyone see the me tab? )
EvaW: yes
EvaW: what do you mean by "o O"?
BJ: from the me tab members can access their messages, files, notes,
links...from ANY location in Tapped In

BJ: the o's are thought bubbles, Eva
BJ . o O ( we're deep thinkers in Tapped In  )
EvaW smiles
BJ: to think type  /th and your thought
EvaW is impressed
BJ: the tab I want to emphasize during the tour is ME/Settings
BJ: please click on settings

JosefinB: ok
LeahS joined the room.
EvaW nods
AnnaK . o O ( I think I've got it )
BJ: from the settings tab you can edit your profile and description
BJ: welcome, Leah
LeahS: Hi, I found you
EvaW: hi leah
BJ: Leah, we're looking at the ME tab/settings at the top of your screen
JosefinB: hello leah
LeahS: hi fro, Japan
LeahS: ok bj
BJ: a person's ID is very important. It is your introduction to the
Tapped In community

BJ: I want to show you an edited ID...
EvaW o O (this is great!)
ElizabethH joined the room.
BJ: click on the ONLINE tab to the left of this chat window, single
click on BJB and then click on the GREEN i

EvaW: hi elizabeth
ElizabethH left the room.
BJ . o O ( make sure you click on BJB, not BJ! )
JosefinB . o O ( I?ve got it )
EvaW: oups I see yours!
DavidBro left the room (signed off).
DavidBro joined the room.
BJ: you should see my ID on the screen above this chat window
JaneAP joined the room.
BJ: Hi, Jane, Welcome
JaneAP: Thank you. Now what is the next step of the tour?
DavidBro: My server went down
PeterSi joined the room.
JaneAP: Am I in the right place?
DavidBro left the room (signed off).
EvaW: hi jane
BJ: hi, Peter. Welcome
BJ: yes, if you're here for the tour, Jane
PeterSi: Hi there, what are we going to do/
PeterSi: Yes, so the tour is here, fine
BJ: Peter, I'm showing people how to edit their profile by using the
ME/Settings tab at the top of your screen
JosefinB: does ID refer to  the whole page of member information?
BJ . o O ( the tour will show you the basic features of Tapped In )
BJ: yes, Josefin
BJ: any other questions about ID?
EvaW: bee, I see you have a TI e-mail. Can anyone have one?
BJ: no, Eva. I'm also a staff for Tapped In
PeterSi: Yes, I can't see anything like ID
EvaW: ok, so this is reserved for staff and I need to use my private e-mail
BJ: Peter, click on the online tab to the left of this chat window,
single click on BJB and then click on the green i at the bottom of the frame
DavidBro joined the room.
BJ: yes, you have to use your private email, Eva
BJ: welcome back, David
BJ . o O ( we haven't gone far, you didn't miss much  )
DavidBro: I got lost again
BJ: the green i is for IDENTITY....
BJ: with the green i you can identify a member or a group
PeterSi: maybe for Individual chat
BJ: Peter, did you find my ID?
BJ: any questions on the me tab?
EvaW: not right now
BJ: let's move to the Tapped In tab because we have a lot to cover and a
big group here...
EvaW nods
BJ: please click on the Tapped In tab at the top of your screen
BJ: the first screen you see is the campus map
BJ: please do not click on ANYTHING
BJ: or you will leave this room and won't hear what I'm saying
EvaW: ok!
JosefinB: ok
BJ: at the top of the campus map is a link to the K-12 student campus
FernandGst3: ok
PeterSi: Hi, back here, clicked on tab, lost you but got back
BJ: I'm going to tell you a bit about the K-12 Student Campus, but
please don't click on the link now
BJ . o O ( you can explore that feature at another time )
PeterSi: I'm not at the campus map
EvaW: ok, could perhaps explain the term K-12 briefly?
PeterSi: or yes, I am
BJ: the Student Center (SAC) is a safe and secure place to bring a class
DavidBro left the room.
BJ: K-12 refers to Kindergarten to 12th grade in the US.
EvaW: ok, thanks
PeterSi: fine with me now
PeterSi: go on
DavidBro joined the room.
BJ: teachers can create a group room in the SAC...
BJ: and create usernames and passwords for their students...
BJ: when the students log in as members, they go directly to the SAC...

JaneAP: I'm sorry, but what is the SAC?
BJ: no guests are permitted in the SAC
BJ: SAC = Student Activity Center
PeterSi: and where is it/
BJ: Peter, there is a link at the top of the campus map
BJ . o O ( text hyperlink )
BJ: a student member is not able to enter any other parts of Tapped In
PeterSi: Thanks, pity someone told us not to click on anything yet
PeterSi: but I'm there alright
BJ: when you are in the SAC you do not see anyone else logged in to any
other parts of Tapped In

BJ: Peter, I don't want you to click on anything on the campus map
because you will leave this room if you do
BJ . o O ( patience! We'll be clicking soon  )
PeterSi: can we even communicate if I enter - oh I see
LeahS: ? Bj..would a teacher be able to see what students are doing? or
are they on their own?

DavidBro: That's why I keep leaving, involuntarily
BJ: Leah, a teacher would be able to join the students and would be able
to see what they're doing...and...
BJ: the teacher gets the student transcripts

LeahS: Ok, great, thanks
BJ nods to David...glad you figured that out!
BJ: any questions on the Student Activity Center?
EvaW: bee, would it be ok to use such a room with adults? e.g. with
university students?

BJ . o O ( I'm doing a tour of the SAC on Wednesday, February 11 )
EvaW: thanks for the tip!
BJ: yes, Eva...especially if you're teaching ESL
EvaW: not ESL, but EFL teaching methodology
BJ: it's a less threatening and overwhelming environment than the main TI
PeterSi: yes, Q: how can I make Ss go there if they're not members of TI
- how can I get the Univ computer get there, make them join, and then
what? there're 50 per class, so I can't figure it.
BJ: Eva, you know your students best
BJ: wow, Peter! We need to talk after this tour...
BJ: no guests can enter the student center...only members of Tapped In
RobertWB joined the room.
BJ: students are given a special username that ends in st
PeterSi: what time is your tour? It's half past nine in the evening here
but I'm up till after midnight. What's your time?
RobertWB: Good morning...alll.
BJ: you are all still looking at the campus map, I hope...
BJ: hi, Bob
DavidBro: But can't students become members?
RobertWB: Hi Bj.
EvaW: yes, bee
EvaW: hi bob
PeterSi: and how if they have no computers?
BJ: David, the teacher can get student memberships for K-12 students
DavidBro: Morning. Bob
LeahS: Hi Bob
RobertWB: Is it possible to be in more than one room.
BJ: under the Tapped In tab, click on GROUPS
PeterSi: Good news so I'd like to know more about this Ss membership
BJ: not really, Bob
EvaW: ok
BJ: under groups you should see two links...
DavidBro left the room.
RobertWB: Ok...good morning Leah.
DavidBro joined the room.
BJ: one for creating a group in the main TI building for adults or for
preservice teachers/college students

BJ: the other link is for creating a student group
BJ: each member is permitted to own two groups

LeahS: Hi..evening in Japan!
BJ . o O ( both can be student groups )
BJ: when you click on create a group you are led through a tutorial
BJ: questions?
PeterSi: BJ, yes, we might need to talk later
BJ nods to Peter
JaneAP: In minimizing my window I seem to have lost the bar with groups,
etc. Any suggestions?
EvaW: not right now
JosefinB: no questions
BJ: if there are no questions, please click on CALENDAR under the tapped
in tab

LeahS: no questions
BJ: you can set the calendar to your time zone
BJ: each time you open the calendar after you have set it, you will see
the calendar at your times

DavidBro left the room.
BJ: now, click on the SEARCH tab in the top right of your screen
DavidBro joined the room.
BJ nails David's shoes to the floor
BJ: David, click on the search tab in the top right of your screen
EvaW: lol
BJ: then click on GROUPS
DavidBro: I was lookng for calendar tab
PeterSi: I'm lost, how do I get back to where I see the calendar? I'm in
the K-12
JosefinB: lol
BJ: Peter, do you see the Tapped In tab at the top of your screen?
PeterSi: yes
BJ: when you click on Tapped In you should see a tab for the calendar
PeterSi: right
BJ . o O ( but we've moved to the SEARCH tab now )
BJ: click on GROUPS under the search tab...
PeterSi: ok
EvaW: back
BJ: enter K-12 students in TI
BJ: and click on the FIND IT button

JaneAP: I don't see GROUPs under the search tab
BJ . o O ( make sure you click on the button )
BJ: Jane, did you click on the search tab first?
EvaW: i have three hits
JosefinB: so do I
BJ: the second match is the one I wanted to show you...
JaneAP: I clicked the Calendar tab, then the Search tab but I never
clicked anything with groups. Did I miss a step?
BJ: This is a support group for bringing K-12 students to Tapped In
RobertWB: SOrry, but I dojnt show any matches either.
PeterSi: I'm with you BJ
BJ: Jane, go back to the SEARCH tab in the top right
LeahS: Jane, the groups is in purple..under you URL address
EvaW: bee, can we click on the second hit without getting lost?
BJ: yes, Eva
BJ: make sure you do two things when searching for a group:
PeterSi: sorry, have to leave a mo, be back soon
BJ: one: enter the name correctly
RobertWB: Now I have it.
BJ: two: click on the find it button, do not press enter on your keyboard
BJ: how you doing, Jane?
DavidBro left the room.
BJ: remember that the green i is how you identify a person or group...
DavidBro joined the room.
RobertWB: and do you always have to enter the "In TI" part.
BJ: when you click on k-12 students in TI you'll get a page describing
the group

BJ: no, Robert
BJ . o O ( but that might limit your search )
FernandGst3: it finds 3 groups
JaneAP: I've clicked on a search tab and got Yahoo search, but still
haven't found anything with groups
BJ: Jane, you're not on the right search
BJ: at the top of your screen do you see the ME , Tapped In, HELP,
Search tabs?
BJ . o O ( search is in the top right )
JaneAP: OK with a different search I have the TI search, but still
nothing about groups
BJ: Jane, do you see PEOPLE, PLaces, groups, notes, files, links,
discussion across the top of your screen under the favorite places menu?
BJ: Eva, did you see where you can join the group?
RobertWB: Its in purple on my screen.
JaneAP: No, I don't. Help! Where am I?
BJ nods to Bob
EvaW: yes, I did, already joined! thanks
BJ, Eva.
EvaW smiles back
BJ: Jane, not to worry. We'll come back to that later if you have time
JaneAP: Thanks!
BJ: let's move on or we'll never finish the tour!
EvaW: ok
RobertWB: Ok, ready to move on.
FernandGst3: ok
BJ: do you all see the X to the left of people in the top left of your

PeterSi: OK
EvaW: yepp
DavidBro: How do you do "Eva smiles" Jane smiles back?
LeahS: yes
RobertWB: yes.
JosefinB: yes
EvaW: type :smiles
BJ: David, type a colon and the action    :smiles   smiles back
FernandGst3: yes
BJ: click on the X, please
BJ: that will get you back to the welcome screen
FernandGst3: ; sees the x
AnnaK smiles
BJ: the welcome screen is what you see when you first enter a room
FernandGst3 sees the x
DavidBro: I don't see it?
JosefinB testing
FernandGst3: shall we click on the X?
BJ: yes, please, Fernanda
BJ: David, what don't you see?
EvaW: sorry, I've got to leave
DavidBro: Yhe X
EvaW: thanks a lot bee for this superb tour!
BJ: I want you to get back to the screen that has Welcome, Notes, Files,
links on the left
BJ: bye, Eva
EvaW waves to all and says good bye
BJ: thanks for joining us
RobertWB: By eva...
EvaW left the room (signed off).
JosefinB: bye, bye Eva
LeahS: bye Eva
PeterSi: Me too
JosefinB . o O ( too late )
BJ: do you all see the blue menu on the left of the screen above this
chat window?

DavidBro left the room.
JosefinB: yes
PeterSi: So what do we do withh it
LeahS: yes
MariaJ: I must go
RaymondC: yes
BJ waves bye to Maria
RobertWB: No, Blue Menu?
MariaJ: I think I have read most of the messages....
MariaJ: see you
BJ: in a room that you own, like a private office, or a group room
RobertWB: On the tapped in screen?
MariaJ left the room (signed off).
BJ: Robert, we need you back to the welcome screen
RobertWB: Ok, comming..
RobertWB: Im there.
BJ: you can put what you want on your welcome screen
BJ: by FEATURING notes, files, links, etc
BJ: when you are in a room that you own, you will have a box that allows
you to feature the items you want

BJ: questions?
MariaGst1 joined the room.
PeterSi: How do I put these things on my welcome screen?
BJ . o O ( when you're in a room you own, and you click on notes, for
example, you will be given the option of adding a new note )

JosefinB: no questions
AnnaK left the room.
PeterSi: Oh, earlier - I should be in imy own room for that
RobertWB: I just need a little time to play around with it.
BJ: under links on the blue menu is discussion
BJ nods to Peter
MariaGst1 left the room.
BJ: right, Bob...the tour is just to show you where stuff is
BJ . o O ( barely scratching the surface! )

BJ: discussion is a threaded discussion board...asynch
RobertWB left the room.
BJ: discussion is in every room
BJ: the discussion board is good for maintaining communication with a
group between real time chats

PeterSi: if there're responses
BJ: the discussion board uses email, Peter...the message goes to all
members of a group
PeterSi: I've seen many messages in Elizabeth's room without responses,
hope that doesn't always happen
PeterSi: AH-HA
BJ: depends on the purpose of the messages, Peter
BJ: Whiteboards are also in all the rooms...
BJ: only members of Tapped In can post to a discussion board, but anyone
can post to the whiteboard
BJ: the whiteboard is a good place to post the agenda for a meeting

BJ: questions?
FernandGst3 left the room (signed off).
BJ . o O ( does anyone have to leave for REO? )
PeterSi: I'm in the discussion room but only a July 2003 message there -
strange for me
BJ: this is a public conference room, Peter
SandraS joined the room.
LeahS: BJ..not REO, but is there a guest  speaker, Mr Bonk, for the
GeorginaN joined the room.
BJ: it's not really a good place to post questions
PeterSi: What does that mean in practice?
BJ: Hi, Sandy
JaneAP left the room (signed off).
JaneAP joined the room.
BJ: I think that group is meeting in Vance's office
SandraS left the room (signed off).
GeorginaN left the room.
BJ: Peter, not sure what you're asking?
PeterSi: And what are the webheads doing right now, any idea?
BJ: the webheads are in Vance's office
BJ: if you would like to join that discussion...
PeterSi: Well, what is there supposed to be in the discussion place? I
can's see anything else but that one things
BJ: click on the ONLINE tab to the left of this chat window
BJ: single click on AidenY and then click on the DOOR icon at the bottom
of the frame
JosefinB left the room.
PeterSi: OK, will do that, Bye, see you later
JaneAP left the room.
BJ waves bye
PeterSi left the room.
BJ: Raymond and Leah, did you want to continue the tour or join the
LeahS: Okay,, too..thanks so much for the two orientation
meetings!  Bye
BJ . o O ( or REO? )
BJ waves bye to Leah
LeahS: I'm sorry, I mean I'm lea
LeahS: bye..oops!
JosefinB joined the room.
LeahS left the room.
BJ: hi, Josefin. did you want to find the webheads?
JosefinB: Thank you very much for the tour BJ. It was certainly an
exciting experience!
JosefinB: I actually went there and came back to thank you
JosefinB: I have to leave now
JosefinB: Goodbye
BJ: you're welcome, Josefin
BJ waves bye
JosefinB left the room.
RaymondC: Maybe I should join the webheads - but when can I finish the tour?
BJ: where are you located geographically, Raymond?
RaymondC: Australia
FernandGst3 joined the room.
BJ: check the calendar....
BJ: there is an OZ friendly tour on Tuesdays
RaymondC: okay.  thanks
RaymondC: bye
BJ waves bye
RaymondC left the room.
FernandGst3: I think I lost this window
FernandGst3: is it finished?
BJ: Fern, the main disadvantage to logging in as a guest is that you
don't get a transcript
BJ: yes, it's finished..we ran out of time
FernandGst3: can you send me the transcript, please?
BJ: sure
FernandGst3: thanks a lot
BJ . o O ( this tour wasn't as focused at the other one was...too much
of a learning curve difference )
FernandGst3: I entered as a guest because I was in the other rooms as well
BJ nods.
FernandGst3: ok, see you, BJ
BJ left the room (signed off).

Respectfully submitted,
BJ Berquist
Associate Educator, TAPPED IN



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Created on 8 February 2004

Teresa Almeida d'Eça