I was in the grocery store the other day and there was a woman at the check out stand beside mine.  she wore dirty clothes, needed her hair washed and had a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.  All of a sudden she turned in my direction and I saw her face.  I almost started to cry.  Her face was the most frightful face I have ever seen.
Years of bitterness and resentment were written there; years of anger and hurt, years of being unloved and cared for.  And out of her mouth were words of anger as she spoke to her small child.  She must have been in her thirties, but she looked like she was over fifty.  The hatred had done its job.  The bitterness had robbed this woman of her youth.
She chose what she was going to be.

Attitude has a powerful impact on our physical bodies.  The thoughts we have held and the words we have used have
created the person we are right now.  So it only stands to reason, if we change our thoughts
and words, we can be transformed into an entirely different person. (And, some of us need some
transformation :-).It doesn't matter how long we have held on to anger, lack of forgiveness, self-hatred, pity, resentment, ungratefulness,

etc., we can change our thought patterns.
We are what we choose to be.

When someone hurts us, we react and we don't forgive.  We hold on to the hurt.  Poor me...nobody really
understands...nobody really cares.
We are choosing what we are to become

.I have a friend (she is 35 years old) who's mother died of breast cancer.  My friend constantly worried and fretted
about developing the disease herself.  She went in for check-ups twice a year...sometimes more. She constantly
talkied about it.  Was always reading up on it.  What causes it?   What cures it?  I finally told her, "You are going to
get this disease if for no other reason than your obsession with it."  This friend was diagnosed with breast cancer
a few weeks ago.
We go where our thoughts take us.

I remember one client who had been on thyroid medication for almost 20 years.  She was a willing
converter...something I don't see a lot of :-).
She changed her diet completely, exercised every day, spent time each afternoon receiving the healing benefits
of sunshine.  She juiced, she supplemented...she did everything right as far as diet and lifestyle change.  Did it
help?  No.  Finally I had a talk with her about the emotions behind thyroid problems - long standing anger.  Her
response was, "How did you know?"
The client was carrying around 20 years worth of anger and bitterness toward her deceased mother. She had been
abused as a child and never felt love from the woman who had given her birth.  When she realized this, she could
begin steps towards forgiving.  Her mother wasn't being hurt by her emotions, she was.  As she forgave, the healing
We are what we choose to be.

 Choose to be happy.  Choose not to let the cares of this world bring us down.  Choose to do something nice for
someone today.  Tell your child how special he is.  Tell him to live his dreams, accomplish his goals.  Thank God
everyday for your many blessings!
Don't live a life of negatives when you can enjoy a life of positives.  Always see the glass half full, not empty.
And, remember:  "WE ARE WHAT WE CHOOSE TO BE."
By Cyndi Thomas ND



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