
An Annotated

Catalogue of the

Bee Species of the

Indian Region





 Subfamily Panurginae Leach


[Family Andrenidae]  




Bees included in this subfamily are usually smaller, less hairy than Andreninae and, somtimes bear yellow or cream coloured markings on all tagmata. Major contribution about the phylogeny and classification was by Ruz (1986) and on Calliopsini and its relatives by Ruz (1991). Warncke (1972), Eardley (1991), Rozen (1966, 1967, 1989) published for separate regions and for immature stages, respectively.


The subfamily consist of 6 tribes. They are rare in tropics but are noticed in abundance in North and South America. On the contrary are less numerous in Old World. Some of them have reached west palearctic region and upto southern Africa. An identification key for these included tribes was presented by Michener (2000, p. 261).



Tribe Protandrenini


S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included sub-genera   and [no. of species]



Genus Anthemurgus Robertson, 1920: p. 321


-                   [1]   [Anthemurgus passiflorae Robertson]


ranges from central Texas, Kansas and, Illinois to North Carolina
2. Genus Anthrenoides  Ducke, 1907: p. 368 -                          [2]        and 5 undescribed species ranges from state of São Paulo, Brazil, to Paraguay and the aprovince of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and perhaps Chile
3. Genus Chaeturginus Lucas de Oliveira & Moure, 1963: p. 575 -                          [2] state of Amazonas and Pará south to São Paulo, Brazil
4. Genus Liphanthus Reed, 1894: p. 645 Subgenera of Liphanthus Chile, Maleco, Argentina (S.America)
5. Genus Neffapis Ruz, 1995, in Rozen & Ruz, 1995: p.3 -                          [1]   [Neffapis longilingua Ruz]             Coquimbo, Chile
6. Genus Parapsaenythia Friese, 1908: p.42 -                          [2] from Minas Gerais, Brazil, southward through Paraguay to the province of Mendoza, Argentina
7. Genus Protandrena Cockerell, 1896: p. 91 Subgenera of Liphanthus North and South America
8. Genus Psaenythia Gerstaecker, 1868: p. 111 -                        [80] from Minas Gerais, Brazil to central Argentina and Chile
9. Genus Pseudopanurgus Ccockerell, 1897: p. 290 -                        [32] from Wyoming, Kansas, and Texas west to southernmost California, USA south through Mexico and Central America to Costa Rica.
10. Genus Rhophitulus Ducke, 1907: p. 366 a. Cephalurgus Moure & Lucas de Oliveira, 1962                    [5]

b. Rhophitulus Ducke, 1907 s.str.            [5]    

a. from state of Minas Gerais, Brazil to Paraguay

b. from Minas Gerais, Brazil, south to Argentina

11. Genus Stenocolletes Schrottky, 1909: p. 253 -                           [1]   [Stenocolletes pictus Schrottky, 1909]  Argentina [Mich., 2000 p. 272 stated the specimens appear to be lost, but most probably were panurgine bees of the genus Psaenythia.]









































Tribe Panurgini

S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Camptopoeum Spinola, 1843: 139


a. Camptopoeum Spinola, 1843 s.str.                                           [10]



b. Epimetha Morawitz, 1867                 [10] 

a. Ranges from Spain and Morocco through the Mediterranean region, north to Czechoslovakia and southern Russia, east to Central Asia, and south to Baluchistan in Pakistan

b. Ranges from Romanis, Greece, Morocco and Algeria east to Siberia and China


Genus Panurginus Nylander, 1848: p. 223

-                        [35] from Canary Islands east through Europe and North Africa to Siberia and Japan, and in North America from Alaska, USA to northern Baja California, Mexico, east to New Jersey and Georgia, USA.
3. Genus Panurgus Panzer, 1806: p. 209

a. Flavipanurgus Warncke, 1972    [5]


b. Panurgus Panzer, 1806 s.str.          [30]



c. Simpanurgus Warncke, 1972                    [1]

[Panurgus phyllopodus Warncke]

a. Spain and Portugal



b. from Canary Islands and the Mediterranean basin north to Sweden and east to China and Japan


c. Spain






















Tribe Melitturgini

S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Melitturga Latreille, 1809: p. 176


-                  [15]


ranges from Portugal and Morocco north in Europe as far as Czechoslovakia, east to China; also in Namibia and South Africa
2. Genus Meliturgula Friese, 1903: p. 33

-                  [11]


occurs in Cape Province, South Africa, north to Angola, Kenya, Egypt and Soudi Arabia also in Madagascar
3. Genus Mermiglossa Friese, 1912: p. 188 -                       [1]   [Mermiglossa rufa Friese, 1912] Namibia
4. Genus Plesiopanurgus Cameron, 1907: p.130 -                       [4]   Morocco and eastern Turkey to Iran and Baluchistan in desert area















    Tribe Promeliturgini

S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]


1. Genus Promeliturga Ducke, 1912: p.63, 90 -                       [1]   [Promeliturga turnerae (Ducke, 1907, Calliopsis)] From states of Cerá and Maranhão in northeastern Brazil






Tribe Perditini

S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Macrotera

Smith, 1853: p. 130

a. Cockerellula  Strand, 1932                   [13]





b. Macrotera Smith, 1853 s.str.            [6]





c. Macroterella Timberlake, 1954 [6]




d. Macroteropsis Ashmead, 1899    [6]

a. from North Dakota south and southwest through western Texas to Arizona, USA, and on to Baja California Sur and Puebla in Mexico

b. from Oklahoma to southern Texas and New Mexico, USA, and south to the states of Jalisco, Michoacan, and Puebla in Mexico.

c. from New Mexico to southern California, USA, and the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Baja California

d. occurs in desert areas from western Texas to Nevada and California, USA, south to Zacatecas in Mexico


Genus Perdita Smith, 1853: p. 128

Subgenera of Perdita

North America and some parts of central America

















                                Tribe Calliopsini

S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Acamptopoeum Cockerell, 1905: TAES 31: p. 320

-                           [8]

from Argentina and Chile north to Colombia in South America, perhaps absent from moist tropics


Genus Arhysosage Brèthes, 1922: p. 121

-                           [5]

from the provinces of Formosa and Catamarca south to Córdoba in Argentina


Genus Calliopsis Smith, 1953: p. 128

Subgenera of Calliopsis

North and South America


Genus Callonychium Brèthes, 1922: p. 120

a. Callonychium Brèthes, 1932 s.str.                                  [6]

b. Paranychium Toro, 1989                   [5]

a. Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina


b. Chile, Argentina and Peru


5. Genus Spinoliella Ashmead, 1899: p. 84 -                          [6] Chile, Argentina and Peru
















Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta

Department of Zoology

Jai Narain Vyas University

Jodhpur 342 005, India

Ph. +91-291-272 6666




Visit "An Updating Bibliography of the Bees of the World" by the same author for the authors' linked references mentioned in this document.









Date of release 31 May, 2003                                                          Website Created and Maintained by Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta