Welcome to Christmas At My Home

Please come in and warm up by the fire. Christmas is always very quiet here. There are no creatures stirring except for Belle. She makes sure there is "not even a mouse" ;) My son will be here for the holidays (so maybe it won't be all that quiet). I will take great pleasure in stuffing him with our traditional roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for dinner. Presents will be exchanged, neighbors will drop by, and we are even hoping for a White Christmas this year. [I'll Be home for Christmas]
Belle does not like the winter, but she does love Christmas. She is always forlorn when I drag her tree out to the back swamp in January. When not resting under the tree, (fortunately she has never been found IN the tree) she can be found looking out the window at the snow and waiting for it to melt. BTW, her catnip plant is under the window in the picture below. She guards it constantly.[I Heard The Belles On Christmas Day]
[All I Want For Christmas (Dear Is You)][If We Make It Through December]
It is said that to find a nest in your Christmas tree will bring you health and happiness. I received one as a gift many years ago. It is always placed in my tree and brings a smile to my face whenever I see it. The health and happiness? I am doing okay :)
Here's to hoping that each year I can add more good memories to this page!
[If I Could Only Fly]

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