Ice High Aerie ~ Nest ~ Records ~ Residents ~ Isle

Yence guarded her eggs, wary that they neared hatching. Blix hovered nearby, anxious as he always was. "You can go now." Yence finally said, and the red gryph hurried from the nesting area, feet skittering out from under him like an anxious kit. "Males..." she laughingly sighed. Her seconds helped her to move the eight eggs to the central nest, which was more of a shallow feather-lined bowl than anything else, where they continued to rock. Yence privately pittied the gryphs who birthed live - as if egg laying wasn't painful enough?

The bonders were quickly assembled - all two of them. Kina and Jino, siblings. They looked pleased to be there. The Aerie sisters left, so that Yence and her mate could enjoy some private time with their new family.

The first of the eggs revealed a rusty colored kit, who was angered to have landed himself upside down. Yence quickly caught hold of him for a little TLC, and he calmed down. His name was to be Pyrox.

The second egg revealed a green marked kit, who Blix cornered and bathed, proud of his daughter Rahce

The third egg revealed a subdued kit, who mewled at one of the humans right off the bat. With Yence's permission, Kina stepped in and picked up the gryphlet. Cyfrace, who would have beautiful purple plumage when she was older.

The fourth egg revealed a monochrome gryph; a gray, but not barred like his mother. Blix brought him to lay with his sister, and made him feel welcome.

The next two eggs split, and the pale kittens crashed into each other after trying to stand on wobbly legs. White fur and blue; white fur and black. Such were Mice and Yax.

The next egg shivered, and then sandy paws pushed out, and the young brown made his way into the nest. Giving a tired chirp towards Jino, Xax curled up for a nap. IN a flash, Jino was there, though the brown dreadfully needed some grooming.

The last egg took it's sweet time, but in the long run, the brightly colored kit within was worth waiting for. She was lividly orange, and before Blix could stop her, Rahce was greeting her sister - and her bond Stice.

Yence purred as clean kittens curled up with her or with their human bonds. "Take good care of them, Kina, Jino." She said sleepily.

Pyrox, unbonded
Rahce & Stice
Kina & Purple Cyfrace
Melenx, unbonded
Mice & Yax
Jino & Xax