Well here's my personal web page in all its monochromic glory! In ways this page has become a personal extension...I'm not sure to what extent, as I have excessively neglected it. Hopefully you'll find it different than when you last saw it (unless this is your first time). (More than likely it'll be the same, as organic chemistry takes priority.)

An explanation of my plans would surely aid the lucky soul who staggers to this white-backgrounded haven, eye-weary and half-alone, so here's the thing.

This is Ben. I guess you could say it's me. Up at the top is one of Ben's personalities. When Ben is , which is about once every two days, his mind goes like this:. This is the mood that gets Ben the good grades, and it comes in handy sometimes. However, our little stick friend doesn't stay that way all the time. . This is the mood that gets Ben the weird looks from people, because he's rather weird himself. So...

If you're lucky and I'm bored, you'll see more of Ben. I'll use Photoshop animation, and FrontPage Express 2.0. Yellow sticks and circles are about the extent of my artistic prowess, so don't be looking for Industrial Light and Magic here. If you're really lucky and I'm exceptionally bored, you'll see some writing along with the picture.

Here's what Ben has been up to lately:

Chapter 1:The Sprinter

Chapter 2:The Traveler

Chapter 3:The Ally

Chapter 4:The Loser

Chapter 5:The Retainer

Places to go, people to see...

Pictures: We have some "interesting" folks up on UK's north campus, that's for sure.

The Saddest Song, Revised by Ben, because it's just too sad. Don't do drugs.

Links: Oo! I know what I can put in here!

Updates: If ya can't notice what's new, here ya go (for the regulars...all three of you)

Comments? Suggestions? Requests for animations?

My Email: benjjjamin@hotmail.com OR:

The guestbook.
