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(Gen 1:1 to Ex 19:1-8)

It is imperative to note that from Gen 1:1 to Ex 19:1-8, there is not one word of The Old Testament, i.e. From Adam in Eden, to Moses atop Mt Sinai. Nor, for the first 2,500 years of biblical history. And to so label those scriptures as Old Testament (Jewish) epistles, is at best--a misnomer!

Here it is of the utmost importance to also note. That "the books" of the Bible are directed solely to the (3) dispensational bodies mentioned by Paul in 1 Cor 10:32. "GIVE NONE OFFENCE. NEITHER TO (THE JEWS). NOR TO (THE GENTILES).NOR TO (THE CHURCH),OF GOD".

These foregoing (3) unique, dispensational bodies are---"THE GENTILE CHURCH",
"THE JEWISH CHURCH", and our present day "MYSTERY CHURCH", of Eph 3:1-10 and Rom 16:25,26. The coined word "church" being, ANY ASSEMBLY OF CALLED OUT ONES!

Until The Nation of Israel was first created at Mt Sinai, Ex 19:1-8, all human beings were biblically classified as Heb Goyim, Gentiles, or "heathen nations". See Gen 9:18,19,and Gen 10:5,32 to prove that ALL post flood peoples of the entire world were indeed SOLELY GENTILES! Thus, the scriptures, from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:18, should have been labeled as "THE GOSPEL OF THE GENTILES",.THE GOSPEL OF THE UNCIRCUMCISION UN-CIRCUMCISION".

(Ex 19:1-8,to Acts 13:46,18:6,28:28)

From the first creation of The Jewish Nation of Israel at Ex 19:1-8, until the three phase, (transitional), setting aside of Israel's Judahism at Acts 13:46,18:6, and 28:28. Those scriptures should have been labeled as "THE GOSPEL OF THE JEWS", i.e. "THE GOSPEL OF THE CIRCUMCISION". That these two foregoing "different gospels" did indeed (simultaneously) exist, see Gal 2:6-10.

(Acts 13:46,18:6,28:28,to 1 Thess 4:13-17)

(Simultaneously),with the three phase, setting aside of Israel's Judahism at Acts 13:46, 18:6,and 28:28. The Apostle Paul was given the unique task of creating our Mystery Church of Eph 3:1-10;Rom 16:25,26! "It" will continue, until "It's" unique "secret rapture" described by Paul, in 1 Thess 4:13-17.

In other words, "the books" of the Bible should not have been labeled as "THE OLD TESTAMENT" and "THE NEW TESTAMENT", but dispensationally divided into that of THE GENTILE CHURCH--From Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8.

THE JEWISH CHURCH--From Ex 19:1-8,to the (3rd,and final) setting aside of Israel's Old Testament Covenant of Law, at Acts 28:28.

THE MYSTERY CHURCH--From the (3rd,and final) setting aside of Israel's Judahism,
until it's "rapture", described in 1 Thess 4:13-17.

Note: All of Paul's (Jewish) epistles, as fully listed below, were written DURING the Acts period, PRIOR TO his (final) setting aside of Israel's Judahism, at Acts 28:28, and should be included as those of THE JEWISH CHURCH listed above. Only Paul's (post-Acts) "prison epistles" of Eph, Phil, and Col, should be labeled as our Mystery Church epistles of Eph 3:1-10. And it is ONLY in these epistles of Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians that the last vestiges of Judaism are fully abolished. As also shown in Heb 9:1-10,with Heb 10:19,20, Col 2:14, Eph 2:14!

Yes, Matt, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans,1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Galatians,
1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians,1st Timothy,2nd Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James,1st Peter.2nd Peter,1st John,2nd John, 3rd John, Jude, Revelations, are ALL Jewish Epistles, and although written FOR us, they are not written TO us. Failure to "RIGHTLY DIVIDE", i.e. to rightly so label the foregoing 66 Books of the Bible, has led to much dispensational error. And thus, much doctrinal error.


Harry's Web Site:

Harry's Rightly Divided Bible: The Rightly Divided Bible

The invitation is open to call, write, E-mail, or visit--anytime.

Yours, In Christ's One Body

Harry T Wellington
405 S Brassie Dr
Payson, AZ 85541
Ph 1-928-474-0398 (Please note: Some callers may have to use the *82 prefix; some may not, for some strange reason.)

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