Truth RuneTable of Contents
1. Main Page
2. Regions
3. Stories
4. Characters
5. Chronicles
6. Other's Work
7. Gaming Info
8. Links
9. KoDP
10, Miscellaneous
11. What Was New
12. Index


Magic Rune

Gaming Info

Illusion Rune

This is where I've collected the information I've done that is roleplaying related but which is more rules oriented or is for other systems.

  1. Adapting Masterbook to Glorantha

Disease in Masterbook Glorantha

Iron and Rune Metal Weapons and Armour

Magic in Masterbook Glorantha

Divine Magic in MasterBook Glorantha

Sorcery in MasterBook Glorantha

Spirit Magic in MasterBook Glorantha

Poison in MasterBook Glorantha

RuneQuest-MasterBook Skills Equivalency Chart

2. Pregnancy in Roleplaying

3. Rules Light Gaming

The Cabinet (Politics is Fun!)

"Mega" Roleplaying

Drelbs on the Lusitania

Drelbs on the Hindenburg

Drelbs in Aspic

Sword of Life

4. Pictures from Glorantha Con V in Victoria, BC July 25-27, 1997

5. Gloranthan Calendar

New (June 28, 2001) - PDF calendar based on Thunder Rebels and Storm Tribes)

6. Hero Wars Materials

E-mail Rules

Extended Individual Encounter Rules

PBEM Rules

Other Aids/Rules

Hero Wars Bookkeeping Table for Extended Contests

Hero Wars HTML Character Sheet

House Rules

The Orlanthi Epithetizer

The Orlanthi Naminator

7. School Days - a Scenario for Pokéthulhu

8. Torg in Glorantha

This page last modified June 25, 2003

Glorantha is a trademark of Issaries, Inc. Gloranthan material on this page is copyright ©1997-2003 by Oliver D. Bernuetz or by the author specifically mentioned on an individual page. Glorantha is the creation of Greg Stafford, and is used with his permission.

Email me at

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