
Pictures of Botan-chan!  Wai!  And um, these aren't mine, I just borrowed them.  *sweatdrops*

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A cute smiling Botan-chan :)

Botan holding up 3 fingers

Botan with her mouth wide open.  Cute! ^_^

Botan-chan's pretty face ^-^

SD Botan-chan!


Botan carrying a suitcase

Flying on the ever-so-famous oar


Kawaii! ^_^

Another cute screen cap :)

Oh, really?

Koenma and Botan!  Wai!

Kurama and Botan!  Wai again!

Botan protecting Keiko-chan

Botan and the girls looking for the arena.

Best friends :)

The Yu Yu Hakusho girls!

SD YYH characters ^_^

Everyone ^_^ (I think)