Hippophae rhamnoides L. - Sea buckthorn

Novost Altaya Fruit: round, bright orange, weight up to 0.5 gr., sour-sweet, without bitterness
Composition: sugar - 5.49%, acids - 1.67%, tanning-matter - 0.048%, oil - 4%, vitamin C - 47 mg%, carotene - 2.4 mg%
Priority: Spineless
Demerit: Short fruit stem
Max. yield 16.3 - 17.2 kg. per tree (space 3x3 m.)
Average yield - 8.8 kg.
Dar Katuni Fruit: oval, light-orange, weight 0.4 gr., moderately sour, without bitterness
Composition: sugar - 5.3%, acids - 1.66%, tanning-matter - 0.042%, oil - 6.89%, vitamin C - 62 mg%, carotene - 3 mg%
Almost spineless
Max. yield 16.3 - 17.2 kg. per tree (space 3x3 m.)
Average yield - 8.8 kg.
This cultivar is standard (1988).
Zolotoi pochatok Fruit: oval, light-orange (almost yellow), weight up to 0.4 gr., moderately sour, without bitterness
Composition: sugar - 4.76%, acids - 1.45%, tanning-matter - 0.059%, oil - 7.4%, vitamin C - 66 mg%, carotene - 2 mg%
With spines
Max. yield 16.3 - 17.2 kg. per tree (space 3x3 m.)
Average yield - 9.1 kg.
Maslichnaya Fruit: dark-red, egg-shaped, average weight 0.37 gr.
Composition: sugar - 4%, acids - 1.46%, tanning-matter - 0.059%, oil - 4%, vitamin C - 58 mg%, carotene - 2.6 mg%
Vitaminnaya Fruit: round, orange, weight up to 0.67 gr., moderately sour, without bitterness
Composition: sugar - 4.46%, acids - 1.67%, tanning-matter - 0.062%, oil - 4%, vitamin C - 112 mg%, carotene - 3.7 mg%
Chuiskaya Tree: up to 2.5 m. high, relatively compact crown, very little spines, prolific yielder
Fruit oval-cylindrical, orange, stem 2-3 mm.
Composition: sugar - 6.4%, acids - 1.7%, oil - 6.18%, vitamin C - 134 mg%, carotene - 3.72 mg%
Obilnaya Tree: up to 3 m. high, prolific yielder
Fruit cylindrical, dark-orange, average weight 0.53gr., stem 2-3 mm.
Composition: sugar - 6.9%, acids - 1.2%, oil - 4.9%, vitamin C - 142 mg%, carotene - 2.88 mg%
Samorodok Tree: up to 2.4 m. high.
Fruit cylindrical, orange, average weight 0.62gr., stem 2-3 mm.
Composition: sugar - 5.3%, acids - 1.55%, oil - 6.9%, vitamin C - 135 mg%, carotene - 3.81 mg%
Zolotistaya Tree: up to 2.7 m. high, little spines
Fruit oval, orange, average weight 0.62 gr., stem 2-3 mm.
Composition: sugar - 5.4%, acids - 1.78%, oil - 6.4%, vitamin C - 265 mg%, carotene - 5.46 mg%
Shtebinka-1 Tree: up to 2.5 m. high, spineless
Fruit cylindrical, dark-orange, average weight 0.53 to 0.75 gr., stem 3-4 mm.
Composition: sugar - 7.38%, acids - 1.83%, oil - 2.7%, vitamin C - 95 mg%, carotene - 0.7 mg%
Shtebinka-2 Shrub: up to 2.2 m. high.
Fruit round-cask shaped, light-orange, average weight 0.82 gr., stem 3-5 mm.
Composition: sugar - 6.93%, acids - 1.67%, oil - 2.83%, vitamin C - 112 mg%, carotene - 0.66 mg%
Oranjevaya n/a
Prevoshodnaya n/a
Velikan n/a
Yantarnaya n/a

T. T. Trofimov "Oblepiha" Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo universiteta, Moscow 1988 ISBN 5-211-00159-1

Sorry for my bad English :-)


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