Dear Students & Parents,


Welcome back to school! I look forward to meeting and working with each of you this year. We will have a busy year full of learning.  In order to create a suitable learning environment, our class will follow three basic guidelines.


1.       Respect Yourself

2.       Respect Others

3.       Respect Your School


1.       Respect Yourself

¨       Please take care of all bathroom and water needs before coming to class.

¨       Please be in your seat before the tardy bell rings.

¨       Please come to class with all materials (paper, pen/pencil, textbook, etc).


2.       Respect Others

¨       Please do not interrupt others by talking or using other forms of communication at inappropriate times.

¨       Please raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

¨       Please keep your hands and other objects to yourself.

¨       When we engage in class discussion and debates, listen respectfully even if you do not agree with the other person.  When it is your turn to speak, it is expected that you confront ideas, not people.  Reinforce your ideas rather than raising your voice or attacking your opponent. 


3.       Respect Your School

¨       Please do not bring food, soda, or gum to class.  Bottled water is acceptable until it becomes a distraction to the teacher or students.  Do NOT bring food to class.  It will be confiscated.

¨       Please keep your area free of trash.  If you have something to discard, hold on to it and discard it at the end of class.


Violations of these procedures will be handled in the following manner…

1st offense = verbal warning

2nd offense = 15 minute detention with Mr. Lane on Monday/Wednesday mornings

3rd offense = 15 minute detention with Mr. Land on Monday/Wednesday mornings and parental contact

4th offense = administrative referral


Students, please read and sign to acknowledge that you have read and agree to comply with our classroom procedures.  A parent or guardian must also read and sign.


Student Name (please print)                                                                                                                   


Student Signature                                                                                                                                 


Parent Name (please print)                                                                                                                    


Parent Signature                                                                                                                                     


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