Silicon is the second most plentiful element in the earth's crust.  Next to Oxygen, at 45.5%, Silicon follows at  27.2%. It's a hard dark gray non-metal which is found in many minerals such as quartz, clay, and granite.  It is classified is a mellatoid. 
It was discovered by Berzelius in the year of 1823 in Sweden.  . 
The chemistry of silicon is made up by mainly sharing electrons.  Silicon is bound to Oxygen in compounds called Silicates in which each silicon atom is surrounded by four Oxygen atoms. 
Silicon is considered a semi-conductor which makes it useful in
transistors, solar cells, and computer chips.  it is most commonly used in the form of a silicon wafer to be put into these electronics. 
`Silicone is one of the main elements used in transistors.  Although it is a poor electrical conductor, it is often doped. This is done when a small amount of another element is added so that electricity currents are able to flow through the doped crystals.
reactions are limited. 
This is an example of a silicate.  The blue spheres are silicon atoms, which are surrounded by oxygen atoms (represented by red spheres.)
Cars are a common everyday use of how Silicone is used.  Silicones are compounds of Silicone. Commone uses of silicones are in synthetic motor oils, automobile gaskets and adhesives.
Chemical Properties:
Atomic Number:  14
   Average Atomic Mass (u): 28.0855
   Melting Point (celcius):  1411
   Boiling Point (celcius):  3231
   Density g/cm3: 2.336
   First Ionization Energy (KJ/mol):786.5     
   Specific Heat (J/G-celcius): .7121
   Abundance in Earth's crust: 27.2%
Shell Model
Electron Configuration:
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2

Valance Shell:
3s2 3p2
Lewis Dot Structure:
Silicone: Si
Silicon dioxide is one of the known hardest elements.  There are three basic crystal forms of silicon dioxide/  This is one of them, crystalline silicon, which is very similar to the structure of a diamond.  To change it to silicon dioxide you would change the structure by adding oxygen atoms.