Our esteemed landlady, Lilah Stevenson.
We have 7 bunks left. Application.
(Present time in the city is 1902. The lodging house was started in 1897.)
(contact Birdie at bgz102@psu.edu or AIM at FyrPhnx or B1RD1E, but it's usually FyrPhnx)

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Birdie: *looks up from the book she's writing in* Oh, heya, Kit. How's it goin' taday?

Kit: Hey, Birdie, not too bad, how about you?

Birdie: I can't complain any, jist goin' through Lilah's Book here.

Kit: *nods* Anything exciting we should know about?

Birdie: *looks over page* Uhhhh, not really. I got the bunk list here. That's really about it.

Kit: *cranes her neck to look* Anyone made a fuss about not getting a window bunk?

Birdie: *shakes her head* No, not really. Screech Owl's got it 'cuz a that crazy bird a hers. Mystic I think 'cuz she likes bein' somewhere she can get away quick. I don't know th' stories a da others. Maybe we should ask some time.

Kit: *smiles slightly* If they want to tell, they will.

Birdie: *nods* Yeah, I guess. Hey, ya think the guys'll stop by tanight? Mac said 'e might, maybe even bring Huntah along, Ace 'n' Deac, too.

Kit: *dryly* As if Deacon wouldn't find his own way over to see me anyway.

Birdie: *laughs* Sure, sure, but what 'bout Huntah 'n' Ace, huh? Ace may be a pretty laid back kinda guy, but Huntah ain't. Whatta ya say 'bout dat?

Kit: *archs her eyebrows* What is there to say? Hunter's Hunter. He's quite a fellow.

Birdie: *looks back at Kit with the same raised eyebrow* Quite a fella, huh? If only... Maybe we should get Evelyn and Hunter to chat heh' in Rye's Billiard Hall some time. Ya might be interested in what's gonna happen.

Kit: *blinks* She sees Hunter every day, half the time he barely looks her in the eyes when he talks to her. Why are you giving me that look, Birdie?

Birdie: *rolls her eyes and shakes her head* No reason, Kit. No reason at all. Hey, ya seen Lilah's new poster yet? *gestures to it* She got it from da lady up th' street, Ms. Aldra.

Kit: Did she? Very nice. Lilah does keep the place nice.

Birdie: Nice?! It's pretty darn immaculate if ya ask me!!! I mean, look at dis. *pulls out an old leather-bound book* She's got da real names and contacts a all a us girls in this book she likes ta call her Home List. She keeps this one hidden so da cops don't get it course.

Kit: *wryly* Of course, mustn't let that happen, since so many of us are fugitives from the law.

Birdie: Don't deny it, Kit. We do got 'em. I think yer da only one here who ain't been locked up at some time er another. Course, ya got yer own problems...

Kit: *looks at her calmly* Don't we all? Only human after all.

Birdie: *nods then remembers something* Oh! I almost fergot! Lilah wanted me ta tell ever'one dat if we ever need ta get a hold a 'er when she ain't here, fer us ta drop a note in da box on th' desk heh'. She doesn't wanna miss anythin', ya know. She likes ta know where we all at all times, ya know.

Kit: *nods* Of course not.

Lilah: Hey! Girls! Quit yer yackin' 'n' git back ta work! *shoos them away from her desk*

Birdie: Okay, okay, Lilah. We're goin'. We're goin'. Sheesh. *heads for the door* Let's go to Rye's an' play some pool.

Kit: Sorry, Lilah. *follows Birdie outside*

Lilah: *shakes her head* Crazy girls.

Crivelli, West, & Co.
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One of my very good friends and teachers was recently diagnosed and is now undergoing treatment. Please hope her the best if you can. Thank you very much.

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