ACL & other knee related stuff
Well, this page is for my friends who are curious about the two surgeries I underwent (removal of the medial meniscus and ACL repair) on my left knee.
I didn't realise the large web community that exists around ACL injuries till recently.  Apparently there are online support groups etc for this injury... Now, having been through it, I can see how something like that would be useful.  I've been very lucky to have the complete support and help of my dear family who've put up with far more than they should have. :) 
The Knee (what mine looked before my attempt at skiing in Feb 1998 with bindings too tight)
I ended up with a complete tear of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, partial tear of the Medial Collateral Ligament and a shredded Medial Meniscus.
Surgery 1 June 28, 2000: The medial meniscus had to be taken out
Surgery 2 December 4, 2000: Had an ACL reconstruction using the pattelar tendon.
For a more info on ACL repair.. check it out
They took the piece of my pattelar tendon and attached it with two titanium screws using a method similar to the picture below.
For more info and a whole load o' sites on ACL stuff.Check out