Blessed Hope Christian Ministry,Inc.
BHCM Gingoog
Blessed Hope
Church Mission
Church Goals
Official Newsleter of BHCM Gingoog Chapter
Church Staff
April 10, 2005
Volume 4, issue 2005
Church  Photo Album
This is a form of worship service where the seven last words uttered by Jesus is taken one by one and explained thoroughly by an assigned speaker to elaborate the meaning and significance of it. Last April 25, 2005 , the Joint Good Friday Celebration happened at the Kiosk of Rizal Park, Gingoog City. It was an ecunemical service participated by Gingoognons coming from diffefrent religions like Catholics, protestnats, evangelicals and other religious groups. That was the first time in the history of Gingoog City that an ecunemical worship is ever conducted. Leaders from various religious sectors decided to hold such activity realizing that they have a common ultimate goal that is GOD, regardless of religion. we may have varied practices and different ways of worshipping God, but still we believe in the same One True God. It is he who is the commong endpoint of  all our spiritual services and sacrifices . the reason of all our existence.

The Holy Week event was spearheaded by Msgr. Tex Legitimas of the Roman catholic Church,

supported by all pastors of the Protestants  and Evangelical  groups. The Siete  Palabras started with an invocation led by the UCCP Choir. The first to speak was Rev. Enrique S. Guevarra. He spoke about the first word of Jesus which was " Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. The second waord was given by a vibrant female pastor of the United Church of Christ of the Philippines . The rest of the seven last words were delivered by other evangelical pastors in this city and the last being interpreted by the Roman Catholic priest. There were wonderful dance and song numbers presented during the course of the service. BHCM  Burning Bush team offered a special number to this effect. People from all walks of life came, listend and experienced the truth , salvation offfered by God to man. Indeed , that was a successful Holy Week celebration
Blessed Hope Christian Ministry
GIT,Lugod-Guanzon Sts., Gingoog City
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