The Hunchback Homepage's aim is to debunk the general populaces' misconstrued understanding of this powerful novel by Victor Hugo.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo. It is much better than the Hollywood versions. Since the plot and characters have been cannibalized over the years in movies and television, most people do not know the true plot or characters of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

I suggest you read this amazing and memorable novel for yourself. Victor Hugo vividly describes the atrocities and grueling lifestyle of ordinary people caught in extraordinary situations in Paris in the year 1482. When read in modern times the book has an extra perk to it; the enlightenment felt while reading the author's original story and debunking Hollywood's fluffy take on this classic.

This site was written to help clarify the original story. I have not revealed the ending of the book in any of the first links (for those of you, like myself, who do not want to know the ending before finding it out for yourselves). But, for those who want to know the ending, there are links to the ending and the fates of the characters.

I hope you enjoy the site.

Rouen Cathedral
Claude Monet 1892-1894

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David Lammers