The Big Hall Of Twang

Welcome to my cyber-soapbox where I rant about the people that influenced me to pick up the guitar.

I'll try to cover Blues, Country, Western Swing, Rockabilly, Surf, and 60's Frat Rock and Garage sounds.
In no way is this intended to be a comprehensive list. There's plenty of readily available information on better-known artists in the genres I've mentioned, so the focus here (with a couple of exceptions) is on the obscure cats that never got the fame & fortune they really deserved.

The opinions expressed here are those of the WebBastard (that's me) and SHOULD BE UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED AS THE GOSPEL TRUTH, unless otherwise noted.

See any historical inaccuracies? Glaring omissions? You don't like that I call Eric Clapton "Pruneface"?
Send your comments and hate mail to the WebBastard, maybe you'll get some a response or, in the case of hate mail, an autographed photo or a dozen long-stemmed roses.

Go ahead, try your luck.

Download the mp3s, but be warned that they are as lo-fi as they get, for the sake of space and keeping download time as short as possible.

Not happy with lo-fi samples?

Tough nuts, pal, buy the record and support the artists.

This is supposed to give you an idea of what some of my favorite players sound like and encourage you to spend some of your precious pesos and go out and buy the record instead of lookin' for freebies. Get it?

This site is still under construction...more information and photographs will be added shortly.

Hasil Adkins Benny Joy Andy Starr
The Phantom Merle Travis The Jesters
The Wailers Robert Lockwood Jr Joe Clay
Johnny Powers Link Wray Bobby Fuller
Eddie Taylor Earl Hooker Pee Wee Crayton
Tiny Grimes Roy Lanham Jimmy Bryant
Hank Garland The Sonics The Shadows of Knight
Davie Allan The Fender Four The Crossfires
Thumbs Carlisle Eddie & the Showmen Dick Dale
Grady Martin Joe Maphis J.B. Hutto

My shrine to the 6119

What the hell is a TEL-RAY, anyway?