White-eyed Vireo

White-eyed Vireo, South Amboy Waterworks, in mature tree on edge of dense thickets in large wooded clearing behind waterworks near swampy marsh.  Searching for insects.  Catbirds were overly abundant in this clearing in the woods. 5/4/03, (49kb) "trip-three-wee!-oo, chit"


South Amboy Waterworks, more variations from same bird with Goldfinch, 5/4/03 (128kb)


South Amboy Waterworks, the following year on the same date this little bird appeared to be back this time across the path in a very mature black willow with fallen limbs forming a shrubby under-story.  This sample demonstrates song-switching, one tune before and one after a gush of wind, 5/4/04 (189kb)


South Amboy Waterworks, same bird again,  Vireo imitating a nearby Catbird  5/4/04 (205kb)    wave 792
South Amboy Waterworks, same bird imitating a nearby House Wren, 5/4/04 (149kb).  The final high "chit" is uttered in a split second.    wave793


Comments:  According to Boyle, 

Stokes describes this song as 


Peterson:  Song 

Bittner: At first I found it easy to mistake this bird song for an Alder Flycatcher.  

Patuxent:  sound recording with no description of song given. http://