The Process

  1. First you'll be assigned to a team of 4 students.
  2. You will have to read some stories and fables and have to get yourself familiar with the notion of tolerance by visiting the sites which have already been collected for you.
  3. After having developed proper background information on the topic you will be invited to get started for the debate.
  4. You have to think about Helen Keler’s statement and take in pairs an opposite stance and to represent the affirmative and negative sides.
  5. As an alternative you can pick a story and think as if you were one of the characters and try to defend your view (for instance you could be either the peacelike mongoose or the average mongoose) Once you've picked a story and role to play you should start crafting your speech and discuss with your partner how to be as convincing as possible.
  6. When delivering your speech or presentation you could make use of flowchart, summary tables, concept maps, Powerpoint or any other multimedia devices.


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