Ebony Petals Productions- My fanfics. ^^
Dark Petals
Fiction- oringinal fiction by me and others. ^_^
Scattered Petals
- my online  journel. Has only one entry, I think. ^^;
About Me- a little about little ol' me.
Opinions- My opinions on everything from anime to politics. Not up yet. @_@
Fun- things that I find fun(ny). @_@
July 21, 2003

Aw, nothing like exposing your happiness and frustrations- be it physical, emotional, or sexual to complete strangers. Yes boys and girls, I'm getting the urge to blog....
Just not right now.


January 13, 2003

Nearly a year and not a single meaningful update.  This. Bites. so. MUCH! x.X Fleee. The best I can do is tell you that I have finished mostly everything, and that the next update should come in the form as redirection to my finished domain. Now, what will be the contents of this site? Fanfics, of course. But that's only gonna be a bit of it. Desktop themes, winamp skins ( probably winamp 3 versions ),  new and  complete shrines, a blog, my stories, my poetry, other's stories and poetry, psp tubles, psp brushes, aim icons, desktop icons, a dream log, my political views and philosophy among other things. Also, I will be running a comic ( magazine cut and paste one, mind you ), a phony parody comic book, a phony magazine ( beauty ), a phony men's magazine, a phony gamer's magazine, and so on and so forth. In other worlds, they'll be big changes.

April o6, 2002

Huh? Wha? Whatcha mean where the hell are the fics?
Erm...that's a good question....a very good question, indeed.
* coughs * O.O;;; Eheh....
Fear not dears, updates on the fics are coming. And no, I'm not BSing y'all. I'm quite serious  about this. None of the fics are dead, I promise. How can I be so sure? Well...I'm working on them. I haven't lost intrest, it's just that I'm constantly revising things. x.X Sooo....expect them. They're coming... Eheh, Sorry for the wait.

October 21, 2001

Okay...I lied, so sue me. No, seriously. I got really sick these past two weeks. @_@ The doctors think I have diabetes and have a lovely dose of the flu to go along with it. I'm still workingon Redmoonlight, and even * gasp * Sailor Ra ( It actually has a plot, now! Yay!) and Misery. ^^ Expect those as soon as I can get them out! ^^

October 08, 2001
My heart goes out to all the victems, both living and dead,  of the September 11th attacks....Nothing can express the magnitude of grief I have for all those innocent lives that were lost and destroyed. You all are in my thoughts and prayers, and I although I can't feel your exact pain, I can imagine it, and the very thought of such a thing happening  brings me to my knees crying. Just know that  I care, my family cares, and anyone who is a true human being cares. May your god, whom ever that may be, bless you and all other souls who may be suffering.  Just remember that not all Arabians and Muslims are to blame, that what is to be blame is sick hatred and the awful thirst for power. Please don't let these feelings overcome you, for  it only destroys beautiful things such as lives.  May your god watch over you and all of your kin,
Ebony -------<---@

O.O Woa.....Long time no see, huh? Well dun get your panties....and for you well endowed men,  your hot, sweaty boxers ( grrrrrrrrrl ) in a bunch, for an update is coming REALLY soon. Right now I'm deleting some old files so I can have plenty of room for the prettiful new things I have. ^-^ Among the new things is my friend's (...prolly ex-friend by now since I took  so damn long....) lovely fic called Alone in the Rose Garden. ^^ It's very prettiful and I suggest to everyone that they read it...or else. Heheh. ^^
Oh, I also wrote a coupla new fics! I won't mention them until I post them up. ( Which will be in a matter of hours ) I also totally revised Red Moonlight and Sailor Ra, and Sailor Ra actually has a new, cool plot that now  has a pinch of that ol' Ebonic drama! ^^ Plus, I've written quite a few chapters to my other current fics! Oh yeah, I also have a Ranma and Akane shrine , and Ryouga and Akari shrine as well! And my Kodachi and Akane shrines are being updated also! All of this is being done( as in uploaded and edited )  as I speak, so sit tight and wait till I unleash the new wave of crappy-dom upon you!
Wheeee! STUFF!
Want some music?