1. How much is right to give on Sunday offering?
I Cor. 16: 1-2, II Cor. 9:6-13
You are to give without grudge and this is the only giving that God Commands us to do.
You are only to give on the first day of the week which is also called the Lord's Day.
2.  Is Jesus the Jews Savior too?
Romans 1:16, Gal. 3:26-28, Eph. 2:10-32
He is Christ to
everyone that will come to him through the plan of salvation.
Here is God's Plan of Salvation for man.
3. Do we drink grape juice or alocholic wine at the Lord's Supper/Table each Sunday?
Luke 22:18, Mark 14:25, Matt. 26:29, I Cor. 11:23-34
The fruit of the vine. Through out the Bible it speaks of the evil done when one drinks.
4. Was Daivd and Solomon brothers?
II Samuel 12:24
No they were Father and Son.
Soloman was King David's and Bethsheba's second son.
Read about David and Bethsheba.
5. Is Sunday the Sabbath Day now?
Acts 20:7, I Cor. 16:2, John 20:1,26
Rev.1:10 "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day"
The in the Old Testament the Sabbath Day would have been our Saturday the last day of the week. We do not live under the law of Moses any longer.
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6. Do you know why Jesus was sold for only 30 pieces of silver?
I really am not certain but I do know that in the old testament that the price or worth of a slave was 30 pieces of silver. You can find this in Exd. ch 21:32.
7. Do you know the name of the star that appear and lead the wise men to the to manger at Christ birth?
No I don't but it was not at his birth the star appeared for Matt. 2:9-11 tells us that Christ was a young child not a baby and it shone over a house not a manger. Please read Matt. 2:16 Jesus must have been a some what older child for king Herod to order all children kill from the age of 2 down and not just babies.
8. Would like to know about Baptism, The Lord's supper and music? I go to a Baptist church right now.  Like to know what you teach on these things.
Please go to a church of Christ near you and check them out BY the Bible.
Jesus said baptism is necessary for salavtion.
page will help you understand what God requires of man to be saved.
The Lord's supper is to be observed
every first day of the week which is Sunday.
You will find more information on this
According to the new testament we are to sing with our voices "only" this is the type of music that God tells us to make and is pleasing to HIM..
Please read Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, and Matt. 26:30

Hope this help's you a little.
9. Can we be baptized more then one time if your a child of God ?
Their is one baptism Eph. 4:5. This is the one that is scriptural, the one God accepts and/or requries. We must understand what we are doing when we are baptized and it must be done properly( according to the scriptures)  Therefore when a person thinks they didn't understand at the time they were baptized or find out they were not scripturally baptized right and they want to be baptized or re-baptized to take the doubt that is in their minds it is best to be redone for no decision is more important in this life then this one is. We can read of some who were baptized with the baptism of John the Baptist who had to be baptized again because John's baptism was no longer acceptable. They were re-baptized in order to have that "one"  baptism that the Bible speaks of in Eph. 4:5. 
This is called making your election sure, as sure as one can be.
Our souls are at stake.
When a Christian sins (which all can and do) they do not have to be re-baptized because of that sin, (read Acts 8) it  show us that Christians who sinned are to repent and pray to God. If it is a pubic sin we must repent and confess before the church, this has to be a pubic confession but we still must pray and repent to God also but no re-baptism is required . Take alway all doubt if you have any. Do it correctly.
Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, and be Baptized This way there is no doubt.
10. Were Matthew, John, Luke and Mark all apostles?
No only John and Matthew were one of the twevle apostles.
Luke traveled mainly with Apostle Paul and Mark mainly with Apostle Peter.
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