Nauru Bombardment
Photos of Interest

Photos taken on 28th December 1940,
the day after the bombardment of Nauru
by the German Raider Komet.


This is the Bungalow I lived in during my stay in Nauru,
which fortunately escaped damage during the bombardment.

car wreck

Remains of the utility truck after shelling by the Komet

fuel tanks

Destroyed fuel tanks


Storm which blew for weeks and which had lessened when the raider Komet commenced the bombardment.

The jetty was used in the days before the cantilever loading of phosphate rock. Small trolly trucks on rails dumped phosphate into large wicker baskets on sampans which were towed out to the ships anchored at the mooring buoys off the reef.

The ships lifted the baskets and poured the phosphate into the holds. It took about a week working 3 eight hour shifts per day to load a 6 to 8,000 ton ship.

Bombardment of Nauru Oil installations
Photos taken from the German raider Komet

27 December 1940

Photos courtesy Bryan Burg

nauru oil tanks

Oil tanks ablaze on Nauru

nauru oil tanks

Cantilever in view and oil tanks on fire.
