Swing Bike Brochure

Here is a sample of a Swing Bike Brochure from 1977. This was sent to me by Katherine Pierce of Antioch, IL. You will notice some writing on the front image that reads "1978 Os Fan Club", this too is vintage and refers to the Swing Bike Spokes-Boy, Jimmy Osmond (and his family).

Here's the full frontal view. That's one happy Swingin' kid. Of course, he could be thinking of what he's going to buy with all that promotional money.

Big Jimmy

Gotta love those lapels and bellbottoms. ;-)

The back of the brochure shows a little damage (the white flecks in the pic). Does anyone remember seeing these bikes advertised on "Donny and Marie"? I remember watching that show off and on, but must have missed those commercials.

Back of Brochure

Here's the inside of the brochure. The last time I tried to do a wheelie like that I went right over and landed on my ass! I guess 20 years and 100 pounds will alter ones ability to pull this off ...

Inside Details
Jimmy has now signed this one - click here

These pics are also from the inside of the brochure. The one of Jimmy behind the 3 bikes is also the one seen the "The Bicycle Blue Book" by T. A. Gordon & James Hurd (1995), which values the Swing Bike in the $100 - $250 range..

Side View
Stand by Your Swingers

Here's the last inside flap of the brochure. This shows some good detail shots of the "special features" of the Swing Bike.

Close Ups

Bob Hufford
(Contact Bob)

Webmaster's Note: Thanks again to Katherine Pierce for sending this unique piece of Swing Bike nostalgia. If any one out there has any other Swing Bike memorabilia, please give me a shout. I'd love to feature it on this site!

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