

For an explanation of sources noted, click here.

John Abbott  
Solomon Abbot  
James Abernathy  
John AbernathyX 951 
ADAIR, Alexander S 347served in the Militia
ADAIR, Benjamin S 348S348; Annuitants Claims: served in the militia, lost a horse in service, and was killed on 10 March 1781
ADAIR, Isaac S 346S346; Annuitant's Claims: served in Picken's brigade (One source says Marion's Brigade) and was killed in April 1781.
James AdairY 1522 
James Adair Jr.  
William Adair  
Drury Adams  
George Adams  
Godfrey Adams  
James AdamsU 153 
Joel Adams  
John Adams W 71 
Richard AdamsW 70 
William AdamsP 568 
John Adamson  
William Adderson  
James Addington  
Richard Addis  
Christopher AddisonL-2 
Thomas Addison  
William AddisonL-1 
Bartlett AdkinsN -77 
Shadrack AdkinsN- 7 
Andrew Agnew   
George Agnew  
William Aikin  
Levi Ainsworth  
Archibald Akin  
Ezekiel Akin  
Alexander Alexander  
Andrew Alexander  
David Alexander  
James Alexander  
John Alexander  
Matthew Alexaner  
James Allen  
Allen John  
Josiah AllenU 164  
Robert AllenU 165 
Alexander AllisonP 571 
James AllisonS 333 
William AllisonS 334 
Francis AlstonR 6 
Joseph AlstonP 335 
AMMONS, JohnGregg 405 "private in Capt. Thos. Parrot's Company of Horse, 1782"
AMMONS, Thomas Gregg 405"private, in 1782"
David AndersonR 5 
Hugh AndersonY 1169 
James AndersonR 11 
John AndersonR 10 
Joseph AndersonY 670 
Stephen AndersonS 356 
William AndersonS 356 
David Andrews Q 3 
ANDREWS, John Gregg 405"adjutant of Col. Hick's Regt. from Feb. to Nov. 1780"
James ArmstrongR 3 
John ArmstrongX 939 
William ArmstrongL 9 
Arnett, JamesY 326 
Arnett, JohnP 1 
Arnett, SamuelQ 409 
ARNOLD, WilliamGregg 109, 405p.405: "private, in 1782"
Ashby Anthony L 11 
Ashford George Y 672 
ASKEW, JohnN 76 
ASKEW, (Eskew) JohnGregg 405"private under Marion 1782"
Austin Francis S 339 
Austin NathanielX 708 
Austin Thomas S 338 
Auston JohnS 341 
Avent ( Avant ) ElijahX 1078 
Axon William Y 1286 
Babcock James Y 681 
Bacot Samuel P 21 
Baddeley, JohnY 41 
Bagnal Isaac W 93 
Bagnal John W 94 
Bagnal ( Bagnell ) EbenezerW 94 
Bailey Joseph Y 1098 
Bailey Moses W 169 
Bailey II Moses Y 259 
Baird Robert W 170 
Baker AlexanderY 47 
Baker JohnW 95 
Baker Thomas  
Ball Ambrose X 959 
Ball IsaacX 956 
Ball JohnX 958 
Ball RichardX 957 
Ballard JesseW 151 
Ballard JohnU 169 
Ballard ThomasW 165 
Banbury WilliamY 199 
Bannon JohnY 1100 
Bar ThomasY 1175 
Bar ( Barr ) JoshuaY 1174 
Barker BenjaminW 370 
Barker Jacob W 371 
Barnes William Y 65 
Barnet John R 360 
Barnet Michael W 107 
Barnet Solomon   
Barnet ( Barnett ) JesseY 261 
Barr Nathan Z 381 
Barr William N 570 
Barrentine ( Barrington ) JamesU 103 0r 109 hard to read 
Barron Abraham P 593 
Barron ArchibaldP 954 
Bartley RobertY 686 
Barton ThomasY 53 
Baskin AndrewL 15 
Bates MichaelX 714 
BAXTER Israel Bod 115 See also pension application
Sloan Mason, 2002
Benbow EdwardY 690 
Bennett ArthurW 91 
Bennett Hugh P.9 
Bennett Matthew P.10 
Bennett Samuel Q.18 
Benson Andrew Q .418 
Benson BenjaminR.359 
Benson William U 167 
BENTON, LemuelGregg 405"private in Benton's Regt. in 1782"
Bentson William X. 716 
BERRY, WilliamGregg 405"sergeant, in 1782"
Beson ( Beason ) JesseY.50 
Bethea Goodman R 380 
Bethea Jesse N .109 
Bethea John R 25 
Bethea William Kinfolks 2719 
Biggert RobertVol 1-57 
Bigham James X 263 
Bird George R .310 
BIRD, WilliamGregg 405, P.11Gregg: "private, in 1782"
Bishop George Y. 52 
Bishop James P 597 
Bishop NicholasP. 957 
Bishop William P. 958 
Black AlexanderX. 954 
Black Peter X. 710 
Blackburn Elijah U. 178 
Blackley BlandY 1176 
Blackwell Abram ( Abraham )N. 51 
Blackwell DanielY. 204 
BLACKWOOD, AbramGregg 405"private, in 1782"
Blackwood Charles Y.57 
Blake EdwardV.-39 
Blake JohnY. 4 
Blakeley JohnS 283 
BLAKENEY, JohnR 341, Gregg 405"sergeant in Marion's Brigade, 1782"
BLAKENEY, RobertGregg 405"private in Marion's Brigade, 1782"
BLAKENEY, ThomasGregg 405"private in Marion's Brigade, 1782"
Bland SamuelX 711 
Bland ThomasY 231 
Bland William  
Blasinghame WilliamR 301 
Block JosephP 584 
Block ThomasP 586 
Block WilliamP 587 
Bogan JamesX.712 
Bolton RichardY.1101 
Bonneau Anthony X. 96 
Bood BenjaminX 3890 
Bood JohnX. 3891 
Bood ( Bond ) MichaelX.3899 
Boone CapersQ 231 
Boone FrederickU. 183 
Boone ThomasQ. 24 
Booth EnochN 114 
Booth GeorgeY 1519 
Booth JosephN 115 
Booth Matthew Y 1511 
Borland ( Bourland ) JohnBod 115 
Bostick ( Bostwick ) John  
Bouche John   
Bowers BenjaminY 197 
Bowler JohnY 692 
Bowler ( Bouler ) WilliamY 693 
Bowman Matthew Y 7 
Bowter ( Boiter ), Thomas Y 691 
Boyd Evan R 318 
Boyd John R 37 
Boyd William L 22 
Boykin BarnwellY 682 
Boykin Samuel Y 834 
Boynton AaronY 46 
BOZEMAN,( Boazman ) JohnGregg 405"private in Marion's Brigade, 1783"
Bozewood ( Boswood ) WilliamY 6 
Bradford JohnL 23 
Bradford JonathanV 408 
Bradford, RobertV 438 
Bradley Arthur Y 698 
Bradley James Y 697 
Bradley Roger Y 335 
Bradley Samuel W 166 
Bratton Roger P 589 
Bratton William P 590 
Braveboy, JoshuaQ 34 
Bretar Abraham Z 365 
Brewer James U 202 
Bridges JamesV 392 
Brinton DavidY 201 
Brinton JohnY 202 
Brisbane, AdamY 51 
Britton DanielP 345 
Britton FrancisB 40 
Brockington Richard N 99 
Brooker JosephY 43 
Brooks CharlesY 260 
Brooks Minajah   
Brown Alpheus   
Brown Dennis   
Brown Elijah   
Brown James   
Brown John   
Brown Tarleton  
Brown William   
Browne Charles   
Brunson Charles   
Brunson James   
Brunson William   
Brunson ( Bronson ) Josiah   
Brunson ( Brownson ) Daniel   
Bryan Joseph   
Bryan Lewis   
Bryan Simon   
Bryan William   
BRYANT, GrayGregg 405"private in Benton's Regiment, 1781"
BRYANT, HardyGregg 405"private in Benton's Regiment, 1781"
Bryant Richard   
Bryant William   
Buche David   
Budener Barnard   
Bulkley ( Buckley ) Joseph   
Bullock Daniel   
Burbridge ( Burbage ) John   
Burgess Joel   
Burgess John   
Burgess Joseph   
Burgess William   
BURKETT, EphraimGregg 405"private in Benton's Regt., 1781"
Burkett John   
Burkett Levi   
BURKETT, SamuelGregg 405"private in Benton's Regt., 1781"
Burnett Benjamin   
Burns John   
Burns Robert   
Burrows William   
Burrows William W.   
Burrows ( Burroughs ) Samuel   
Burton Joseph   
Burton Robert   
Butler James   
Butler John   
Butler Thomas   
Butler William   
Buxton Samuel   
Buxton # 1 Jacob   
Byers William   
Byrd John   
Byrd Sutton   
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