This will be on first Sunday in June every year. Held in Henagar, AL. at the community center beginning at about 11:00 AM. Descendants of Newton Jasper MEDLOCK from SC is the line. You all know about Thomas Jefferson, Jackson Wheeler (the barber), and the rest of the sons who lived in and around Paragould. Newton's son James Hamilton MEDLOCK's descendants of Dekalb and Jackson counties, AL. (on the way to AR.); are the AL group which holds the reunion each year. But all MEDLOCKs and collateral lines are invited to attend. Please come and mingle with relatives you may have never met or known existed. That is what I did a year ago when I first discovered this group. They are GREAT people. Will help provide you with hotels, etc. It's only a good days drive and so very worth it. Hope to see you there and please contact me for any help. Thank you, John Turner (jwt@flash,net) If anyone wants, my home phone is 903) 450-1311 in Greenville, TX. after 6:00 P.M..

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