This page updated: 14 October 2002

The Ancient Mother

~ Crone Words of Wisdom ~ excerpts from The Crone's Book of Words by V. Worth
~ Magick is from the heart, heard in a Woman's voice and shaped with a Woman's hands. Magick is incarnate in every Woman, for every Woman knows the Power within. ~ White as an eggshell, white as a bone, white as chalk or milk or the moon, is the written word of the Ancient Crone. She works by wind, Sun, water and stone. ~


To Dispel Saddnes ~ When world and fate conspire to mark your life with lines dark, Mold a tablet of earthen clay, put on it all you would cast away - all regret you bear, all your fear. Break it through and bury it in the ground, saying this charm to heal the wounds: Sorrow be dust and dust dissolve, into this grave let all my grief go.


Sage Tea for the Mind ~ The gray-green sage stands fresh and fine when even trees fall prey to time. Brew an infusion against the darkness and confusion - drink in its strength while stating this charm: Sage make green the winter rain, charm the darkness from my brain.


The Art of Cookery ~ Tie up a bunch of good herbs, Basil, Savory, Mint and Dill, drench in water and sprinkle the kitchen - lintel and sill, table and stove, cupboard and floor, crockery, cutlery, all - With drops from the delicious and pure stalks. Then crush the bouquet in both your hands, breathe itsscent and whisper this charm: Sweeten the oven, sweeten the pot, sweeten the cold and sweeten the hot - summon they virtues into this place, to teach me patience, skill and grace. - Make a strong tea from the leaves and drink it. Keeping your kitchen well.


Reconcilliation with the Universe ~ In the dark of the Moon when stars show clear, go where no lights or houses appear, lie on your back beneath the sky, gaze at the brightest star, speaking aloud these words: Lower than grass my light began, into the heavens soon it ran. Here between earth and space I shine, my fallen dust the twin to thine. Star that I was, Star that I am, Star I shll me, My name is "man". - Stand and tread the living air, ascend the visions open stair, passing the planets silent race, rise and mirro the cosmic face - infant of galaxies, prodigal Sun, resume thy title - All and One.



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