Arief Ardhana's Old Guest Book
Total: 79 guests
Name: jupret
Referred by: From Advertisement
From: nowhere
Time: 1998-02-14 03:12:00
Comments: this hommie is cool, dude !!

Name: Bianca Elvira Blanco
Website: Elvira 's Hommie
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: earth
Time: 1998-02-13 09:05:00
Comments: hi!!!! nice homepage you got there,.....hope I was able to do something like that....nice chatting to you.... gotta go ciao,... vira

Name: Ari #KECENK# Kurniawan H
Website: gak ketemu nih, Bantuin donkkk!!!!
Referred by: From Friends
From: andalas, padang, surabaya.
Time: 1998-01-08 19:22:00
Comments: Bho.. sek iling dengkulku gak?????

Name: klawardhana
Website: belum kering
Referred by: From Friends
From: negara republik argawana, surabaya
Time: 1998-01-08 19:14:00
Comments: bho, rajin-rajin menabung. Masalah moneter jack.....

Name: MYRA
Referred by: From Friends
From: Jakarta
Time: 1997-11-20 09:43:00
Comments: Bagus..... heheeeee

Name: CreamPuff
Website: The Creamy site that you've ever found on Internet
Referred by: From Advertisement
From: Boys from Mars, Girls from Venus
Time: 1997-10-15 19:11:00
Comments: The most jazzy web sites. Add more jazz songs. And, keep on drinking Coca-cola beibeh........

Name: Ade Bahlul
Referred by: Word Of Mouth
From: From your screen !
Time: 1997-10-07 03:32:00
Comments: AQ...... mm....gee....your HP is so great, too bad you r not gonna make me one, I envy your work! anyway...miss me? hahahahaha just kidding :P. I wonder if you can put some pictures that would be nice to see, especially if you put my picture on it :P hmm...udah ah gitu aja ye...c yu

Name: ReRi
Website: :P
Referred by: Word Of Mouth
Time: 1997-09-14 21:11:00
Comments: psstt.... kewl banget HPnya sampe rer :P hehehehehe.... lagunya boleh juga, jazzy abis....anyway kapan buatin rer HP nih? :P hmm...c ya later dude....ciao!

Name: sari abednego
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: jakarta, indonesia
Time: 1997-09-12 07:09:00
Comments: bagus, cuma sayang belum ada foto gue!!! jadi kalo udah ada foto gue nanti pasti gue bilang bagus banget

Name: Angela Winata (Vivi)
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Indonesia
Time: 1997-09-01 20:53:00
Comments: AQ Cool Home page dude. Wish you the very best for your study. Hope everything will goes well Nice to get to know you from your HP, and I hope I will see you around IRC Carpe Diem Angie

Name: Vivi Rose Linus (Marmut)
Referred by: From Friends
From: Palembang
Time: 1997-07-31 04:33:00
Comments: keren, bok..!

Name: Jansen Siregar
Website: racun dunia
Referred by: From Friends
From: me ? i'm from the planet called earth ...
Time: 1997-07-24 20:13:00
Comments: fagus .. fagus nih site ! Coba ya ... opening song/sound nya di ganti ama Primus !! hahahahhaa. Itu coca-cola gallery nya mengganggu mata tuh !!! hahahaa .. Pepsi owns you ! JukeBox nya bagus, tapi kok smua lagu2 kaya gitu sih ? ngga ada brujeria, dkk ? request nih!! Site nya si aki dah di tinjau ama mas Bobby Soemantri, artinya bagus nih site .. hehehe, iya ngga mas bob ? hebat hebat deh, ternyata si aki ngga cuma bisa ngegebet cewe doang, hahahhahaa. --this site is recommended by gotoh--

Name: Vina (Ocha)
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Jakarta, Indonesia
Time: 1997-06-25 15:50:00
Comments: Hi..., ini ocha... masih ingat khan... ini homepage terbagus yang baru ocha liat oke...C...U...Later... Love Ocha

Name: Natal
Website: KMKI Rhein-MAin's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Frankfurt, Germany
Time: 1997-06-16 14:00:00
Comments: duh kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn kewlllllllllllllll saking terpananya sampe gak tau lagi mau ngomong apa nihhhhhhhhh see yaaaa

Name: inge suwignyo
Referred by: From Friends
From: indonesia
Time: 1997-06-13 07:27:00
Comments: ehheehehee cool homieeeeeeeee ajarin donkkkkkkkk ihihihihihih foto lo beda amirrrrrr gile keekekee thanx yahhhhhhhhh 'Death won't kill you, but indefference and boredom can kill you'

Name: Indra Keren n Kece....
Website: Apa Saja..
Referred by: Word Of Mouth
From: Some place nice....
Time: 1997-06-08 18:27:00
Comments: AQ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehehehehheheh.......:P

Name: Haris 'h4r15' E Andryan
Website: Haris' homepage
Referred by: From Friends
From: Malang, Indonesia
Time: 1997-06-03 03:04:00
Comments: i do like your hommie.....

Name: "Adinda"
Referred by: Word Of Mouth
From: ayabaruS
Time: 1997-06-02 21:34:00
Comments: bro..gile bener...tambah keren nih hommie kamu...:) gimana2..? mo ditambahin site apa lagi nihh... oke..keep up your good time ai berkunjung lagi.. baiiiiiiii...:)

Website: nada
Referred by: Word Of Mouth
Time: 1997-05-31 23:08:00
Comments: Hmmmmmm bagus--bagus hp-nya hehehe kaya pak tino alm bilang bagus2 Coca-cola pinterr yaa bisa bikin hp hheheehheheheh.......

Name: Bobby Soemantri
Website: The Synthetic World
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Germany
Time: 1997-05-31 22:28:00
Comments: theRhein|Ruhr Design Syndicate

theRhein|Ruhrdesign syndicate

Name: alex
Referred by: Word Of Mouth
From: indo
Time: 1997-05-31 22:00:00
Comments: bagus juga yah lu punya hp kapan kapan lu email gua deh untuk ajarin gua oke

Name: Nasi-Uduk
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Jakarta
Time: 1997-05-30 02:43:00
Comments: Hallo coca-cola, hommie loh boleh juga tetapi antara frame 1 dan frame 2 nggak matching warnanya, kalo bisa dirubah thanks.

Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Perth
Time: 1997-05-28 02:41:00
Comments: Hi how are you goin' man. I just visit your HP and I like it full of creation. Anyway i couldn't find any photo of your friends. Well I'm a bass player and nice to sign your guest book. So you play jazz that I like it too. Please contact me too if you want for friend. Nice to see you bro. regards Edo

Name: dhewa
Website: Roman Galery
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Surakarta Hadiningrat
Time: 1997-05-27 06:22:00
Bagus.......... penuh kreasi,
Serius aja yah bikinnya?
Do the best what u can,
Enjoy with u'r days.

Name: adena
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: indonesia
Time: 1997-05-18 09:19:00
Comments: halo... rief ini gue ade.... hm....kita terusinnya di email aja ya.... bye...

Name: nonie/rini
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: he..he..maa
Time: 1997-05-09 05:03:00
Comments: mana ngga ada fotonya?

Name: Jackmate (mbah)
Website: Jackmate's Personal Web Page
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Jakarta Pusat
Time: 1997-05-08 07:34:00
Comments: Hihi coca cola semua bikin auss aja

Jackmate's Personal Web Page

Name: Bernadette
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Indonesia
Time: 1997-04-28 01:05:00
Comments: Nggak bisa banyak nulis comments disini, yang gue tau pasti, Home Page loe keren punya!! Moga bisa tambah ok untuk selanjutnya, gue demen dengan The Juke Box-nya.

Name: Aswin Sastrowardoyo
Website: Aswin's
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Samarinda
Time: 1997-04-23 14:21:00
Comments: Great home page, best midi-files that I've heard anywhere!! Did you make them yourself?

Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: from my mother and father
Time: 1997-04-21 20:48:00
Comments: lumayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan............,,,

Name: Yurika
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Jakarta
Time: 1997-04-21 02:12:00
Comments: Cool hommie and keep working!! Good luck to you Coke!!

Name: Oline Oline Oline
Referred by: Word Of Mouth
From: Indo
Time: 1997-04-21 01:22:00
Comments: Hehhehee.....creatip abis.....bikin oline juga dong...

Name: Kikie si kumbang kepik
Website: Toko Rotiiiiiiiii...
Referred by: From Friends
From: Surabaya dong !
Time: 1997-04-18 08:22:00

Cool !...

Kepik dong !

Argggghhhhh.... sebelll... gue terjebak di frame eloooooo...

Name: David Mulia
Website: David's homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia
Time: 1997-04-18 04:41:00
Comments: no comments :)

Name: sasaa
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: LA
Time: 1997-04-17 04:09:00
Comments: it's nice to see u, u look so younger than to me....:) have a nice day..... ciao...

Name: anjas
Website: welcome to the jungle
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: surabaya
Time: 1997-04-17 03:46:00
Comments: alo....hommienya bagus oiii....... hommie saya masih kosong tuh, makanya mo liat punya temen2..buat referensi aja...... kalo di irc nick saya GunsNRose ato gonDRoNK... bye..........

Referred by: Word Of Mouth
From: Allice The Wonderland - Melbourne
Time: 1997-04-16 18:00:00
Comments: Coke.....wuahhhhhhhh ternyata kerja keras kamu sampe ngga tidur2 ...okey juga tuch ...lola sampe terhege hege :)) Lola kasih saran kalo bisa coca cola galery nya dipasang lagu or adv nya coke itu loch yg di tv okey............ Judulnya gue salut ma hommy....elo

Name: The Coke Man
Website: Nothing
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Indonesia
Time: 1997-04-16 04:22:00
Comments: Isi Guest Book Donggg ...kalo mo liat yang lama ..ada tuh dibawah OK ...Thanks

Name: Hj Ibrahim HB.
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Brunei Darussalam
Time: 1997-04-14 08:49:00
Comments: Homepage nya indah sekali, kamu memang hebat coco-cola. Dan terima kasih memberi kebanaran untok download midi nya. Haji#coco-cocola.

Name: The Coke Man
Website: Hmmm.....Apa Yah ???
Referred by: Just Surfed In
Time: 1997-04-11 00:42:00
Comments: Kekekekkeekkek.....Masa Yang Punya Hommie Gak boleh Ngisi Guest Book Sih ???

Name: Sophia Darmohusodo
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: California
Time: 1997-04-10 23:48:00
Comments: COCA...duh keren banget ya hommie elo...GOOD JOB!! Gue suka tuh headingnya.. asik banget hehe...Piye kabare Michigan?? Kapan balik menyang Suroboyo?? Kapan kapan dolan dong ke california sini..seru lho di sini..

Name: BakarbesI / bara
Website: HoT hOt HoT :))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ambon - Indonesa
Time: 1997-04-09 18:25:00
Comments: wow keren.......:)) hehehehe jadi betah di rumah elo neh......hehehehe abis musicnya sihc yang bikin gue betah yeah bagus sekali home page elo..neg dapet bintang ****..:))) bye

Name: Danang Hidayat
Website: GeTauu
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: some place too DAMN cold rite now!!
Time: 1997-04-07 21:30:00
Comments: bho.............. Babi was here kekekekekeke Spidey's cool.....but Find Witchblade ok......kalo nggasuka buat gue ntar dah kelas man kelasssss

Name: Ludfiati
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Perth
Time: 1997-04-06 23:25:00
Comments: Nice homepage together with cool jazzy music :) ..more jazzy midi might be a good suggestion :) Go on brother ...:)

Name: Bryan S.K
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: canada
Time: 1997-04-05 17:39:00
Comments: hp situ keren juga...gue juga baru mau buat sih.. he..he..he..tapi bagi" dong ilmunya.

Name: Natal
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Frankfurt
Time: 1997-04-04 22:37:00
Comments: Colaaaaaaaaaaa... aduh keren loh hommienya.....gut gut gut...:)

Name: Pretty Girl(?)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: I don't know...
Time: 1997-04-03 08:20:00
Comments: Hi! Arif. I'm Tai Hee . Your homepage is so nice. I'll make mine.... Do expect!!!! see ya in grammar class Bye~~~~

Name: noek
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: surabaya
Time: 1997-04-03 08:39:00
Comments: nice to meet you & your hommie good n' very wonderfull

Name: Cacakmu nang Suroboyo
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Suroboyo Cuk !!!!!
Time: 1997-03-31 09:57:00
Comments: Salut buat kamu !!! Tolong aku diajari bagaimana caranya membuat Homepage kaya' punyamu Urusan duwek gampang .......... Lagunya oke banget......

Name: Agus "JePeGeBoY" Susanto
Website: cari jepege??? yahhh disini tempatnya kekeke kali2 aja nemu
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: jakarta....yappss...there's my hoommee
Time: 1997-03-30 13:27:00
Comments: hmmm ada pics spidey nya tohhh, but it's so pitty gak ada adults materialnya kekekekke eittt don't take it serious lahhh just joking mannn btw masukin poto si ratih nape....:P

Name: obrost
Website: gak ono
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: surabaya
Time: 1997-03-28 10:32:00
Comments: home page u lumayan bagus kalo pulang bawa oleh - oleh yo topi lagi,kalo pulang buat hp disini dupho

Name: Chikako Hori
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: japan
Time: 1997-03-27 11:48:00
Comments: yuor page is very cool! teach me how to write this page

Name: D. Monica Hehuwat (Ari)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Perth, Western OZ
Time: 1997-03-25 21:13:00
Comments: Hey you!!! Eh mustinya yg pertanyaan "How did u find us" gue pilihannya dipasksa ya, cuma nggak ada sich so Word of Mouth aja hehehehehe Ok ab the HP: Great job, man!! uuuuu jangan gr yach!! Eh gue tau loe suka Coke, tapi jangan minum kebanyakan ya, nanti kembung gimana hehehehe. Udahan ah, itu aja yach and jangan lupa pesen gue..... JANGAN NYEBAR2 VIRUS IRC ADDICTION, YA!!! hehehehehe Ok..bye for now!!!! Nic

Name: Gallagher
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-23 19:39:00
Comments: Rif! asik juga nih pake musik segala, heboh. Gue juga mau minta dibuatin! hehe

Name: Yurika
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Jakarta, Indonesia
Time: 1997-03-23 03:44:00
Comments: Hai,..Arief....Coke... How r u? Cool homepage and keep working. Great music, too...

Name: David - CuMi2
Website: David's homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia
Time: 1997-03-22 23:40:00
Comments: Wow ... keep doing - bye bye - = Watch Bulls vs Sonics :)

Name: Amanda "cinta"
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-03-22 17:23:00
Comments: wow.....hommienya...gile bet... pokoknya hm....bagus deh..mana rapi midinya manda suka lho... bikin manda betah neh liat hommienya arief... ok..god luck bro...

Name: Agus "Arch1e" Susanto
Website: JPG n GBT r da two important things in my lives kekekekek
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Indosat??? nahhhh Indonesia lah yauwww n yang jelas di jkt lahhhh
Time: 1997-03-22 11:26:00
Comments: Lagi nyari adult material ehhhh nemu Hp ini salah link kali yeee kekekek, canda broer kekekek btw baguslahhh elo ada kemajuan bisa bikin hp kekeke kalo eke mah bisanya bikin anak doank kekekek....:P j/k

Name: Bernadette
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-03-21 23:26:00
Comments: keren...!! gue sukaaaa banget.. semoga someday gue bisa bikin homepage juga..

Name: Otto Rudianto
Website: Otto Rudianto Widjaja's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-03-20 09:55:00
Comments: Homepage-nya bagus.., terutama lagu-lagunya..... Saya tau add homepage ini dari natal.... Salut deh.....kalo udah di-upgrade lagi, kasih kabar deh ya

Name: _iNdRa_
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-19 20:39:00
Comments: keren... apalagi bikinnya cuman dua hari... midinya juga... keren2... salut!

Name: _iNdRa_
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-19 20:37:00
Comments: keren... apalagi bikinnya cuman dua hari... midinya juga... keren2... salut!

Name: Twiky
Website: you're welcome!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: India eh salah Indonesia
Time: 1997-03-19 15:38:00
Comments: Homepage kamu lumayan bagus dan teratur alias enak dilihat. Bagian yg paling aku suka juke box. Keep up the fusion!!

Name: Tanti
Website: Imagine!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Indonesia donggggg
Time: 1997-03-19 15:30:00
Comments: hp nya cuangggih pisannnnn saking canggihnya sampe2 tanti nggak bisa denger theme nya coca-cola pengen dengerrrrrrrrrrrrr nanti ah masuk lagi ya, siapa tau aja bisa... siapa yang tau ya? hehehehe

Name: Natal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany
Time: 1997-03-19 14:04:00
Comments: Hai Arief... gilaaaa....keren loh hommienya...boleh nggak nih gue ambilin buat hommie gue kekekeke ini Natal nih....:)

Name: Setyowatie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: stikom-sby
Time: 1997-03-19 03:05:00
Comments: Setelah liat HP kamu, cuma ada satu kata yang pas "GOOD". Cuma ada sayangnya, ngga ada foto kamu. Tolong deh ditambahin biar kamu tambah beken. UDAH GITU AJA COMMENT-ku.

Name: Setyowatie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: stikom-sby
Time: 1997-03-19 03:00:00
Comments: Setelah liat HP kamu, cuma ada satu kata yang pas "GOOD". Cuma ada sayangnya, ngga ada foto kamu. Tolong deh ditambahin biar kamu tambah beken. UDAH GITU AJA COMMENT-ku.

Name: Teresa L.W.
Website: More and More of Me, My and I
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Jakarta, Indonesia
Time: 1997-03-18 21:36:00
Comments: Hmm i found you becoz eke terpaksa :P

Name: Arif Hasan Mabruri (pitak)
Website: K-$@# on the net
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-18 21:17:00
Comments: Bagus cing....nice job...jangan lupa masuk hp gue juga lho....
Dan jangan lupa bookmark hp gue...pasti gue update dech...

Name: Windra
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ind
Time: 1997-03-18 18:15:00
Comments: Ngisi lagi ...

Name: mmmI'm the Mars girl!!!
Website: sAvE tHe EaRtH!!!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: planet MARS!!!
Time: 1997-03-17 10:26:00
Comments: Hehehehe ojo lali homepage-ku visit=en hehehehehhe ngono ae ahhh good job bro! :)

Name: Eunchul Kim
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Korea
Time: 1997-03-17 08:19:00
Comments: I think that it is very nice job and interseting. Now,I don't know how to comment. Anyway, Thank you for showing your home page and give me some information. I want you to spend this setiton having exitingtime with you. It was nice to meet you. Have nice day.

Name: whisnu
Website: This Page is Owned by Whisnu
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: id
Time: 1997-03-17 02:35:00
Comments: how 'bout my hommie?

Name: Dewi Safitri Aryanti Wahab ( fitri )
Website: no title! it just a stupid homepage!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: i'm cute! nice! pretty! sweet!eeee....etc....
Time: 1997-03-16 22:30:00
Comments: no comment! eee...bagus deng homepagenya, bikinin donk!yaaa. ..kalo dibikinin tambah bagus deh homepagenya, kalo nggak yaa ..bisa dibilang lumayan bagus. iyaa...iya...bagus kok..bener bagus...kalo gak bagus pasti sdh aku cela, krn bagus yaa jadi aku puji...bener lho! pake lagu u2 donk, gimana kek dedicated buat roomatenya, request, bener deh..pasti aku tambah puji, apalagi kalo sdh pake u2, trus..fotoku dipajang woo...pasti tambah aku puji...apa lagi kalo..hmmm...sdh ah!!

Name: Dewi Safitri Aryanti Wahab ( fitri )
Website: no title! it just a stupid homepage!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: i'm cute! nice! pretty! sweet!eeee....etc....
Time: 1997-03-16 22:29:00
Comments: no comment! eee...bagus deng homepagenya, bikinin donk!yaaa. ..kalo dibikinin tambah bagus deh homepagenya, kalo nggak yaa ..bisa dibilang lumayan bagus. iyaa...iya...bagus kok..bener bagus...kalo gak bagus pasti sdh aku cela, krn bagus yaa jadi aku puji...bener lho! pake lagu u2 donk, gimana kek dedicated buat roomatenya, request, bener deh..pasti aku tambah puji, apalagi kalo sdh pake u2, trus..fotoku dipajang woo...pasti tambah aku puji...apa lagi kalo..hmmm...sdh ah!!

Name: corrina macarena
Website: gak ada
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indonesia,#indochat
Time: 1997-03-16 08:46:00
Comments: Soundnya beres broer!

Name: "ADINDA"
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-14 22:58:00
Comments: I Love the blue of your HP...hehehe wowww..kereennnnn..!!! tapi sayang naa..kok belom jadi..yahh ayo cepet2...jadiin...potonya juga dipasang kasih link untuk pesen coca cola yeee...:) keep good work bro !! :)

Name: Windra :)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indonesia
Time: 1997-03-14 22:46:00
Comments: kapan-kapan saya diajarin buat hp dong ...

Name: Da Coke Man
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA
Time: 1997-03-14 06:48:00
Comments: Hahahahah .....Coba liat HomePage Sendiri :)

Total: 38 guests