Welcome to #BarnOwl's The following is provided to you to give a brief outline of the channel's guidelines.


The main reason our channel has ops is to provide a friendly environment conducive to chat. Our ops have varying experience, BarnOwl intended the channel to have several ops some of which may not hang around much.

The two most important things to remember that :

1. That we remain friends.

2. That the channel is run consistantly and well.

Too much time together can kill a friendship as easily as too little. Don't feel obligated to hang out in #BarnOwl's, if you'd rather be somewhere else. That said, we hope you enjoy the channel and want to come by.


There really are no hard and fast rules so these are more guidelines. The ops have been appointed to the channel because they have shown good judement.

1. We try to make everyone feel welcome and have fun doing it. This is the most important guideline.

2. Cleanliness - #BarnOwl's is not intended to be squeaky clean but, we do not want it to become real trashy either. Off color jokes, mild profanity and off color wavs are fine just not too off color. There are plenty of other channels for the XXX stuff.

It is our policy that if you know that something that makes someone feel uncomfortable; please cool it.

3. People in XXX channels - Our policy has been to warn them via a notice when they come in and only kick if they stop talking or I don't like the way they are talking.

All of the above said, Ops of the channel may exercise their own judgement with respect to dealing with people from XXX channels and may ask these people to leave the other channel or leave #BarnOwl's.

4. Fights in the channel. Good natured squabbles do occur and that's okay. If it gets out of hand, the persons involved will be asked to go to DCC and hash it out. If they won't listen or won't go to DCC, they will be kicked. If the problem escalates to serious name calling, the policy is kick without asking.

5. Floods in the channel. Occasionally someone will start flooding the channel with obscenities or garbage. Flooders will be kicked and ban without warning.

6. Clones, impersonations, flooders, etc. Our policy is to kick and ban immediately. The address from whois will be saved and they will be placed on AKICK.

7. Ramblers - Sometimes someone will come in and not do anything really bad but, just kind of ramble on off subject topics etc. This is really irritating for everyone. These people will be spoken to via notice and told that is not welcome in the channel.

8. Pasting private conversations into the channel is not welcome on #BarnOwl's. However it is up to the individual ops on duty at the time as to how he/she deals with the situation.

9. Solicitation either to go to another channel or to "make money fast" etc. is NOT welcome. These people will be kicked and banned if they come back.

All of the above guidelines require the ops judgement tempered with what's going on in the channel at the time. If you are experiencing some kind of difficulty please feel free to approach the ops.

Please be advised that the ops of #BarnOwl's all use the autowhois feature.

We hope that your visit at #BarnOwl's will be a pleasant one and that you will come back again soon.