HUMOR Digest - 19 Aug 1997 to 20 Aug 1997

Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 03:02:19 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Sex on Campus

"I understand you had a blind date last weekend with a real model." remarked the envious upperclassman. "Do you mind telling me how just you made out ?"

"How much can you enjoy an evening," responded the fraternity buddy dryly, "with someone who turns out to be the poster girl for the Flat Earth Society ?"

"No Sammy, No !" said the cute lil' coed to her beau as he began to make a sexual overture. "I just had my hair done. Go away !"

"You're just as practical as ever sweetheart." said the boyfriend, disgusted with being put-off. "Only this time, I happen to agree. I mean, on second thought, why should I ruin an eighty-five dollar hairdo for a five buck piece of tail."

An obviously uncomfortable student had slipped into a sex shop and was looking around, with a confused look on his face.

"Are you looking for anything in particular, sir ?" asked the man behind the counter.

"I'm... well... I'm frankly not sure what I have in mind." said the boy. "I just want something to spice things up for my girl."

"Well, on the simple, basic level," said the clerk, "I'd suggest a French Tickler."

"That sounds like fun." replied the student, "But I really don't think she ever go for a threesome."

"I just met the foxiest babe I've ever seen over at the Student Union and tried to make a date this weekend, but she said she was busy."

"Bummer." said his buddy, "So you struck out, huh ?"

"Well, not entirely, she did give me her phone number." the first guy replied, scratching his head. "Only thing is, it's a 1-900 number."

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