HUMOR Digest - 25 Aug 1997 to 26 Aug 1997

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 05:22:15 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Strange but True

People tend to forget that surveys and such have been around for many years, even the telephone call-in type. Back in the 60's a local radio station in Baltimore Maryland had a popular "talk show" and a daily listener survey.

The question on one day concerned "retransigence". The announcer went on to explain how both Congress and the Senate were pretty much divided on whether or not this should be part of our foreign policy.

He requested the listeners to vote either "for" or "against" using retransigence in our relations with other countries.

While I don't recall the numbers, I do remember it was at least 3 to 1 in favor of the policy with about 1,000 or so people voting.

Problem was, it was April Fool's Day, and not only that, there's no such word as "retransigence" anyway.

Scary... huh ?

A politician running for the Senate had been discharged from a mental hospital. He based his entire campaign on the slogan, "I'm the only candidate with papers proving he's not crazy." Guy won by a landslide.

The White House was undergoing one of its periodic piecemeal repairs. President Coolidge was advised that the rafters in the attic had to be replaced because the timbers were charred from the fire the British had set in 1814. He was asked whether to use wood, or expensive steel.

Without a moment's pause, the President said "Use steel and bill the King of England."

During one campaign stop, President Clinton was asked a leading question, probably by a ringer in the crowd, the answer would obviously reflect poorly on the other candidates.

He smiled and said, "I've never campaigned on anybody's shortcomings. I try to get elected on my own." (the rest of course, is history)

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