HUMOR Digest - 19 Nov 1997 to 20 Nov 1997

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 03:52:52 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Moore Misc Sex

It seems to me that the "Population Explosion" would be a lot less of a problem if lighting the fuse didn't feel so good."

The newlyweds decided to spend their honeymoon at a ski lodge, but failed to appear at all on the slopes for the first two days. They did manage to put in an appearance on the third day, and both acted as if they'd been skiing regularly.

Over drinks that evening, someone asked the groom how he liked skiing. Without a pause, he blurted, "In my opinion, anyone who doesn't love screwing is a real skiball."

Because Sir Lancelot had been complaining about the fit, Queen Guinevere went to the Wizard for a general genital tightening.

"There !" she mused happily after it was all over, "Now, I'm all tucked in for the knight."

Maybe y'all haven't heard about the Japanese wrestler who screams when he climaxes. He's the in "Suma Cum Loud" class.

The woman sought help from a sex therapist for the unhappy sex life she and her husband were experiencing.

"Well, sexual rapport is good insurance for a happy marriage." the counselor advised her. "Let's start at the beginning. Tell me, do you and your husband have mutual climax ?"

"No," she replied, "I'm pretty sure we have State Farm, why ?"

"Look at me." an elderly Yuppie boasted to his guests at his birthday bash. "I've aged like a fine old carefully stored wine."

"I certainly have to agree with that." piped-up his obviously long suffering wife. "Henry's cork's been stationary for years."

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