HUMOR Digest - 28 Nov 1997 to 29 Nov 1997

Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 03:57:41 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Language Barriers

At the Maryland State Highway, an Engineer-in-Training directly from India was hired. She worked about two weeks, and then left rather abruptly. I had a chance to see her letter of resignation:

"I wish to resignate. My works are too many and my monies are too few. My boss makes many lovings to which I say, 'Oh not'."

The exchange student at the frat house overdid the beer at his first party. When asked the next morning if he was OK, he said, "Oh, I feel some better this morning, but I always feel bad when I feel better, because I know I'm going to feel worse soon."

Two American women were staying at the Hotel Tivoli in Lisbon and wanted another chair in their room. The stewart who responded didn't understand English.

One of the women pointed to the only chair in the room and then tried to pantomime seating herself in an imaginary chair.

With a knowing smile, the stewart bowed and motioned for her to follow him. At the end of the corridor, he stopped, bowed again, and pointed triumphantly to the door of the Ladies' Room.

An exchange student at the University of Maryland memorized a lot of phrases from Ms Manner's etiquette book for a reception to be held in his honor.

When a cup of tea was handed to him by the Dean, he solemnly said, "Thank you, sir or madam, as the case may be."

A pretty little Mexican girl attending the University of Maryland was asked out on a date by a boy who had quite a reputation. She smiled and said, "Well, I'll certainly have to think twice about giving that a second thought."

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