HUMOR Digest - 4 May 1998 to 5 May 1998

Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 03:06:14 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: For Better or Much Worse...

I often do series of jokes on male logic, but this one has to be a classic. A friend of mine kind-of summed-up his feelings towards his wife by saying: "If Candy really loved me, she would have married someone else."

No piker herself when it comes to retorts, I once asked Mrs JimJr if she would love me when I'm old and bald.

She replied, "It's tuff enough now when you're middle-aged and hairy."

Father Tomlinson had given a rather lengthy sermon on the joys of married life. On the way out the door, Patty said to Grace, "I wish I knew as little about the subject as he does."

I have an Uncle who firmly believes that a career and marriage don't mix.

So, when he got married, he stopped working.

I doubt there's any marriage where the partners don't quarrel once in a while. When my daughter was a teen, she greeted me one morning with: "I understand you & Mom had some words last nite."

I replied, "Well... I had some all ready, but never got a chance to use them."

I have an old friend from high school who's been married so many times, she's got rice marks all over her face.

Always remember: Single people die young.
                              So if you want a long slow death, get married.

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