HUMOR Digest - 6 May 1998 to 7 May 1998

Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 04:52:10 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Maryland State Highway

When I was a Resident Maintenance Engineer for the State Highway a young truck driver told me that his wife said he should be reclassified as a Motor Equipment Operator.

I told him, "Fair enuff, I'll ask my wife if it's OK."

Had a boss one time who was a real work-aholic and expected all his employees to be also. I asked for the day off so that Mrs JimJr and I could celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.

With a stern look he said, "Well... OK. But don't expect me to put up with this every twenty-five years.

One boss used to schedule all our Staff Meetings for 4:00 on a Friday afternoon --

that way, no one disagreed with him.

Those Staff Meetings were something anyway.

We had a conference table that slept sixteen.

In the Office of Maintenance, the sudden arrival of a boss' wife has made many a secretary change her position.

I'm not saying that the Administrator of the Maryland State Highway was a tyrant or anything, but after every speech, he was given a cringing ovation by the employees.

The new temp in the Training Division was forever reading or playing games on the computer while the telephone rang. Finally her boss said, "Peggy, you must answer the phone when it rings."

Looking him straight in the eye, she asked, "Why ? Most of the time it's for you anyway."

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