About each one of us . . .

TOM HUNT was born October 25, 1969, in Gary, Indiana. He graduated from Portage High School, Portage, IN, in 1987, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in music education from Ball State University, Muncie, IN, in 1992. While at Ball State, he was a three-time solo award winner on alto saxophone at the Elmhurst College (Chicago) Jazz Festival and a winner of the 1991 BSU Undergraduate Concerto Competition. He was also active as a composer and arranger, presenting a jazz recital in 1991 featuring his works for combo and big band.

Tom began his teaching career in Brewster, Kansas, where he ran the entire music program (K-12 vocal and instrumental) for one year. In 1993, he took over the band program in the Hoxie, Kansas, school district. During his three-year tenure in Hoxie, he started and built one of the finest jazz programs in northwest Kansas, and the Hoxie High School Concert Band received its first-ever First Division Rating at the State Music Festival in 1996. He was influential in bringing technology into the music classroom, setting up a MIDI technology/recording studio. He was an active member of the Kansas Music Educators Association, serving as the Northwest District Jazz Chairman from 1994-1996. Tom also was conductor of the Colby, Kansas, Community Orchestra during the 1995-96 season.

Tom spent one year at the University of Kansas as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the jazz studies department while attending graduate school full-time. He is in his fifth year as a band director in the Lawrence, Kansas, public schools, where he teaches beginning band at four elementary schools in addition to Jazz Ensemble I and the Jazz Combo program at Lawrence Free State High School. He also runs a private clarinet and saxophone studio.

Tom was selected as the 1999-2000 KMEA Northeast District Outstanding Elementary Band Director. He continues to be active as a free-lance saxophonist and composer; his works for jazz band have been performed at the 2000 KMEA convention and currently by the Topeka Jazz Workshop Band.

LISA HUNT was born June 27, 1970, in Gary, Indiana. She graduated from Goshen High School, Goshen, IN, in 1988, and received a Bachelor of Science degree in music education from Ball State University, Muncie, IN, in 1992. While at Ball State, she also earned a teaching minor in english, graduated from the Honors College, and received Academic Honors in Writing from the university. She was the yearbook advisor at Brewster High School for the publication of the 1993 Bulldog. Lisa currently runs a day care center from her home.

Tom and Lisa were married February 3, 1991, ultimately resulting in the next four bios . . .

ALLISON HUNT was born October 20, 1993, in Colby, Kansas. She is a 2nd-grader and enjoys dancing, Barbies, and generally amazing everyone in sight.

(THOMAS) ALLAN HUNT (JR.) was born July 29, 1995, in Colby, Kansas. He is a 1st-grader and loves wrestling, dinosaurs, and anything he can take apart.

MEAGAN HUNT was born May 30, 1999, in Lawrence, Kansas. She has already shown to be just as brilliant as her older siblings.

OUR LATEST ADDITION!! MORGAN DANIEL HUNT was born December 19, 2001, in Lawrence, Kansas. He weighed in at 7lbs 13oz with tons of hair, just like the others. Allan loves having a little brother!

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