The Scythian Credo:


Marijuana is the Goddess;
Marijuana is the Sacrament

This page is home for the Scythian Webring.

Version II code & graphics option
1998 May 11 mod, this is an option.
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this -=Scythian WebRing=- site courtesy of
Johnny Thunderbird Above is the new style -=Scythian WebRing=- code & graphics.
Fetch a text version here.
( Useable only when you know your site ID number.
Edit it to put your ID number, where it says
!!YOUR ID HERE!! )...

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The Scythia the Marijuana Goddess Conquers Assyria Assembly

Register for our Assembly
Join our Scythia the Marijuana Goddess Conquers Assyria Assembly
The -=Scythian Assembly=- is a bulletin-board
where you may read and post what you will.
Topic threading is used. The -=Field Council of Goddess Scythia=-
is our private Oracle at Delphi.
It has a chat room, forum, steam bath & sweat lodge.
Visit it naked!
It's all new,
so bring paint and brushes!
Just don't get any on you.

Evidence that marijuana is divine comes from the intensive efforts of the United States
to prove it harmful, all of which backfired.
Never has more energy been applied to slander.
Never has the subject been so triumphantly innocent.
Marijuana is innocuous, more so than any medicine you can buy.
It has zero toxicity, and its use does no harm to humans.
No other medicine can make such claims.
Marijuana is divine.

Persons descended from proto-Indo-European forebears have ancestors
who smoked marijuana as a religious observance.
That's most people.
The Scythians of history were relict proto-Indo-Europeans.
They were remarkable for their continuity of culture over millenia.
They were remarkable in other ways as well.
See Ode to the Scythians on this site.

Version I option
This -=Scythian=- ring site courtesy of Johnny Thunderbird
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Above is the code for the older version -=Scythian WebRing=-.
Text version here.

You can't use this without knowing your site ID number,
to put in where it says !!YOUR ID HERE!!
You can't get in the ring unless your ID number is on your page.
You can't get in the ring if your page says !!YOUR ID HERE!!

Presenting this bold proposition:
We have more right to our "Freedom of Worship"
than the government has to exist.
Our worship was here first, before the bastard birth
of any form of tyranny. Herodotus knew who we were.
Didn't he say we were the old ones?
Not just these, or those, or the other old ones, but the old ones, do not accept substitutes.
We don't need to pretend or fake anything.
We're the -=Scythians=-.
The clanging of iron gates rings out the perversion of ignorant power.
The true evidence of ancient ages murmurs to us the words of the sages,
the real power of our time is held by these worshippers kept in cages.
Our freedom of the spirit shall sing in the air
after tyranny has rotted into dust.

The Pleasant and Mellow Temperament of the Marijuana Goddess Scythia

Visit my web, while you're here.
Or my new web, the Sorceror's Web Page.

revised May 9, 1999
web byJohnny Thunderbird

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