Recipes straight from the Carribean Islands


1/4 cup pigeon peas
1 clove of garlic
1 green pepper
black pepper
thyme, salt to taste
2 cups rice
coconut milk.

Wash peas and soak in 2 cups of water.
Pour peas and water in a pot with coconut milk, garlic and put to boil.
cook peas until tender adding more water if necessary.
When peas are cooked add salt, whole pepper, black pepper, thyme, & escallion. Let season simmer.
Wash rice if necessary, then add to pot. Use a fork to mix everything together.
Cook on a low fire until done.


1- 3lbs chicken
2 tablespoon currypowder
onion, thyme, garlic, pepper, black pepper.
salt to taste
lemon or lime juice

Clean, skin,and cut chicken in small pieces,then wash with lime or lemon juice
Drain, season with curry, onion, thyme, garlic, peppers, salt and let marinate for awhile
In a skillet pour about 3 tablespoon of oil.
Let oil heat but not too hot
Add chicken and let cook until done.
Serve over white rice


2 large bananas, very ripe
Vegetable oil for deep frying

2 oz flour
¼ tsp salt
1 egg
¼ pt milk
¼ tsp baking powder

Add the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl.
Make a well in the center,
break the egg and add it to the flour.
Add a small quantity of milk and stir.
Continue adding the milk gradually, stirring all
the while, until all the milk is added
and the batter is of a smooth consistency. Beat about 5 minutes.
Peel and smash the bananas, coating thoroughly with batter.
Heat the oil and drop 1-2 tablespoons
of batter until golden brown. Drain and sprinkle with sugar br> Serve hot.


All Ingredients should be prepared before you start cooking
This will save time and make cooking
the dish easier and more enjoyable.

a 3 lbs shoulder of pork, cut into 1 to 2 inch cubes
a finely chopped large onion
a half cup of chopped shallots
one cup of bitter orange juice
one chopped hot green pepper
a half cup of vegetable oil
salt, pepper and a litle thyme

Put all ingredients except the oil in
a large pot and marinate overnight in the refrigerator.
Place the marinated pork on the stove,
Add water to cover all ingredients and simmer for 90 minutes.
Once cooked, drain the mixture, add oil
and fry the pork in the pot until
brown and crusty on the outside
but tender on the inside.


2 green plantains
2 cups vegetable oil
salt to taste

Peel plantains and cut into 2-inch rounds.
Heat the oil in a small saucepan
until hot but not smoking.
Drop the plantain rounds into the hot oil 3 or 4
at a time and cook until well browned, 2 to 3 minutes.
Remove and drain.
Set each fried plantain on a flat side,
and using a rolling pin or whatever else
you think will work, squash it as flat as you can.
It should have a circular shape.
Make a mixture of salt and water and
drop flattened plantain sections for 1 minute
Remove them and pat them dry with paper towel.
Return them into
the hot oil 3 or 4 at a time and cook
until the entire surface is golden brown, about 2 minutes.
Remove the plantains from the oil.
Drain and serve hot. (Great with griots)


3 lbs goat
3 tablespoon curry
onion, thyme, garlic, pepper, black pepper,salt

wash & season with curry, thyme,garlic,peppers and salt
pour oil in pot and cook until tender make gravy with corn starch.
serve with rice


1 oxtail about 2-2.5 lb. Cut up
4 tblsp. cornflour
2 tblsp. cooking oil
Salt and Black pepper
4 slices Bacon (Sugar cured)
2 medium onions sliced
1 clove garlic crushed
4 carrots pared and sliced
1 cup peeled chopped tomatoes
1 pint (16 fl. Oz) hot water
2 stalks green onions finely sliced
1 spring thyme
1 can butter beans (Lima beans)

Trim away excess fat and place oxtail in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes to blanch.
Drain well on absorbent paper and coat with cornflour.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Heat oil in heavy skillet and brown oxtail on both sides removing when brown.
Pour off excess fat.
Dice bacon and fry for a few minutes.
Return oxtail to pot with bacon, add carrots, onion, garlic, tomatoes and hot water.
Cover and simmer gently for 3.5 to 4 hours or until oxtail is almost tender.
At this stage add more liquid if necessary and season.
Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Add the butter beans and allow to simmer for 3 to 4 minutes.
Serving for 4.


1 lb conch meat
1/2 lg onion
2 stalks celery
1/2 red pepper
1/2 green pepper
Salt to taste
1 egg
1/3 cup self rising cornmeal
1/3 cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 tsp hot sauce

Put conch through food grinder or food processor.
Process with onion, celery, red
and green pepper and mix with conch, adding salt and egg.
Mix well.
Mix together cornmeal, flour and baking powder.
Add conch mixture. Mixture should be thick. Add buttermilk and hot sauce.
Drop by heaping tablespoon into deep oil until light brown. Drain. Serve Hot.