About Us

The idea of forming a Rovers' Crew was mooted by Mr. Tan Beng Siang in early 1996. After the standardization test of the Agong Scout (formerly called the King Scout), a few boys and girls met Mr. Tan Beng Siang on 30th December 1996 to discuss the formation of the Tranquerah Rovers.

During the first meeting, the alphabet 'E' was chosen for the group and a committee was formed. They consist of

Chairman: Mr. Siow Mung Ling
Vice-Chairman: Mr. Lim Boon Hock
Secretary: Mr. Tan Beng Siang
Treasurer: Mr. Lee Kok Chun
Committee: Ms. Tan Eng Mui
Scouter: Mr. Tan Beng Siang

Initially the crew members consists of 3 girls and 6 boys. After a few months, membership increased to almost 30.

On 30th December 1996, the Rovers 'E' was formally formed and registered on 23th May 1997. Being the only Rover's Crew in the Tranquerah District, the members were very active throughout the year, helping in the running of all activities organised by the District and many of those organised by the state.
