The way of Sorrows

"Ignorance, mixed with the human composition, blackens it. This infurable ignorance possesses the heart of man, and here becomes Evil."

-Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Greetings, and Welcome to my web site. Yes, it's true, I've gone and done it, and almost completely by my own will. Louis de Pointe du Lac has a web site. Take it or leave it, it doesn't matter to me. I only hope that you can find whatever it is that you're looking for.
For the fortunate to whom my name means nothing, I give you my story to introduce myself. Be warned, it is nothing of an interview.
To advance beyond introductions, I offer you some poetry to read, a growing collection that I am forever adding to. I will take contributions and/or requests as well, so as not to put the audience asleep.
I've also gained the audacity (no matter how shallow it is) to post a bit of my own work for you to read, and again, I hope to be adding to this. In addition to the previously mentioned poetry, I also have a section devoted to vampire poetry, another work in progress.
For the more philosophical of mind, I have arguments offered as proof of God's existence.And to even things out, there are also arguments against any such existence. Your own opinions and ideas on this topic are always open, as with anything else you wish to discuss with me. I'll always listen.
Lastly, I've a page of links, providing you with a way out after you've been so good enough to come.

This site last toyed with November 22, 1998

[Click on the above icon to contact me]

Custom graphics copyright ©1998 The Way of Sorrows/Le Jardin Sauvage/LJS Design No duplication allowed.
Story | Poetry | Vampire Poetry | Writings | Atheism | Theism | Links | LJS

Character (C)opyright Anne Rice and Random House....No infringement intended, no profit gained, etc.

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