The Mosh Pit

"This was the ragged edge of the savage garden of the world in which hope could not flower. This was a sewer."
~Lestat de Lioncourt

Well after going to many concerts and aquiring many bruises I thought it would be interesting to see some of the things that have happened to other people. You know like a "my scar is better than your scar" thing. So if you have ever been injured at a concert, no matter how badly write me and we'll see what shows really are the hardest on the body!

Alanis Morissette

I got my arm slammed into the barrier when people grabbed for the flowers she threw at the Encore. ~ME :F

Better Than Ezra

(December '96)My pinky got slammed into the barrier and it was bruised for a while. I also had several bruises on my legs from being crushed in the front. ~ME :F
(May '97)BTE shows can be so violent! I got a horrible sunburn, a bruise on my elbow from again being slammed into the barrier, and I had a welt on the back of my neck where I got kicked by a crowd surfer that was pulled out by the guards. The welt has since turned into a nasty bruise and my ribs are really sore from the shoving of the crowd. ~ME :F


My arms were bruised and sore, my legs hurt, and my ribs were sore for about 3 days. ~ME :F


My most violent experience was in Brighton Beach. The cops were expecting a battle between punks and skinheads but that didn't happen. Just some rough moshing. I was in front of the stage which was really low. It only came up to my calfs. The crowd surged forward and I was pushed on top of a small, slender girl with gods know how many people on top of me. It felt like my rib cage was gonna crack but it didn't. I don't know how the girl underneath me took it. After that, I moved further back. Those really low stages can be a menace. ~LeFran

Dead Kennedy's

I was at the Mabuhay in San Francisco. I climbed onto the stage to get away from the rough slam dancers. I saw right on the edge of the stage. But Biafra liked to dive into the crowd. He dived and somehow knocked me backwards as he went so we both went off into the crowd. ~LeFran
Once I had prescription goggles made so I wouldn't have to worry about breaking my glasses. But it was a bad idea. Someone fell into me and the goggles dug into my face, leaving a big gash. Sure made me look hardcore for a week (at work!). ~LeFran

K's Choice

My arm was scraped by a crowd surfer and then one of them fell on top of me getting mud and sand all over me, knocking out an earing and bruising my collar bone. I also got a splinter imbedded in my pinky (that poor finger gets it every time). ~ME :F

Marilyn Manson

Suprisingly enough I only got a blister on my toe. :)


The crowd was pretty violent but I walked away with only a bruise on my leg. ~ME :F

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