The Pond

"Good and evil, those are concepts man has made. And man is better really than the Savage Garden."
~Lestat de Lioncourt

Welcome to the other page. There are alot of cool web pages out there that deserve a spot of fame in the garden, but I didn't have anywhere to put them, so I stuck them here. That isn't a bad thing mind you, there are some excellent pages here, you should check them out! :)

A slice of Melon: The rest of Melon's page. If you ventured to First Street you got to see part of it, but this is the rest of what my darling granddaughter cooked up. (It's all explained in the Gallery.)

The Nerd Fest Homepage

Wayne's World

The Saint

The Official Scream page: Did you know that they filmed Scream 2 almost entirely on my college campus?

The Crow Picture Page

The Crow page

Planetary Perfumes page


Laugh Web

The Warnerbros page

The Predictions of Nostradamus

Scorpio Tracker

Luci's Star Wars Page Another page set up by a buddy of mine who graduated here at ASC.

The Cool word of the Day page

Fellowbug's Laboratory


Deep Thoughts


This is where I make a plug for my dear Calvin and his little tiger Hobbes. It seems that U express has a special page dedicated to re-releasing Calvin and Hobbes comic strips in order. So if you miss the little guy as much as I do drop in on the page and see what he's up to. :)

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