
Well folks about an hr ago I left the Soundgarden concert... and what a concert! I wasn't going to go.. but someone sold me tickets yesturday for $15 when it's normally $25! I couldn't pass it up! We had really good seats too... we were on the second balcony, 6 rows up, at an 8 o'clock angle from the stage.. so we could see everything... including the stupid people on the floor moshing and crowd surfing! The first band sucked... the second band was pretty good. They all came out in silver glitter shirts, and they sounded like a 1950's group on crack. It was cool though because they had a saxaphone! Of course Soundgarden was the best! They played alot of old stuff that I'm not familiar with, but they played alot of the new stuff too. They had great lighting and cool videos for Burden in My Hand, and Blown Up the Outside World (my fav song next to Zero Chance which they didn't play ). Black hole sun was cool too because Chris played it all by himself. :) I wish the Omni was different so I could have gone backstage but alas it just wasn't possible. They played alot of good stuff though... including Ty Cobb where Chris proceded to flick of the audience... I thought it added to the song. ;)

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