Gary's Ragtime Midi Site

Pages on This Site

John Stark and Son

Midi sequences and original advertising blurbs for the heart of the Stark classic ragtime catalog

Treemonisha Home Page

Midi sequences and the libretto for Joplin's 1911 opera.

Music by Gary Davis

Ragtime Compositions

Played with great success at the 2004 Ragfest
by Neil Blaze and Tom Brier

Whiskey Row Rag (1981)
Neil Blaze's live version is on
his CD "Frog Legs" (2000).

Magnolia Rag (1981)

Lemon Blossoms (1997)
Received Honorable mention in the 1997
SJIRF Festival Composition Contest.

Dreamy Draw (2002)

In Lamb's Clothing (2004)

Other Compositions

Overture: The Millionaire's Daughter (Musical, 1983)*

Overture: Love Rides the Rails (Incidental music, 1984)*

Medley: House Guests (Musical, 1986)*

*produced at Prescott Fine Arts Association
Prescott, AZ

Lullaby (2002)


Gary's 3-D Photos


garizona@yahoo. com

Comments, suggestions, questions welcome!
(New e-mail address as of 6/1/06)

Greetings from my dogs, Sugar and Maggie , and me .

Page first published July 8, 1998
Last updated June 29, 2006