Hi there. I tried to make this as funniest as possible. Please don't feel insulted by any of these questions. My intention is just to make you smile. :o)

One big SORRY for bosnian people I didn't have enough time to make these questions in bosnian (and by the way I think that I will not do that because if I do that a lot of people will not be able to read it)

Enjoy and have a fun !!!

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Imagine that you are entering in to the room full of dirty bad smeling socks. What you will do ?

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Imagine that you are in the airplane drunk as sh.t and you decide to go to toalete. By accident you fall in sleep in the toalet. Next thing you remember is two stuardess waking you up and asking "mister mister are you OK". You will (that's happened to me)

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You are in room alone with a girl of your dreams but there is one small problem. You don't have (hmm) "power". You will :

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You are in the room alone with a boy of your dreams but there is one small problem. He lose (hmm) "power". You will:

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You are with the guy of your life (alone in room of course) and everything is wonderful BUT he smeels like trash can. You will :

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Your favourite meal (try this out)

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