Voodoo i Haiti


� Velkommen til min side, jeg hedder Mathias Hagstrøm. Denne side er et forsøg pÃ¥ at give et overblik over Voodoo (Vodou) religionen. Jeg hÃ¥ber at jeg kan være med til at kaste lys over de misforstÃ¥elser og fordomme der med tiden er opstÃ¥et.

Welcome to my first website. I created this page in 1997/1998 when Geocities was the place to be on the net. Due to changes in Geocities set-up the page is no longer displayed the way it originally was. The quality of the information is not up to academic standards. I made this when I was in High school. But I still find a good resource, that is much better than most of sites on voodoo on the internet. The website is only in Danish but if you really want to read it you can try to translate over googles translator. Do not expect any links leading off site including the email button to work.

Have fun.

Voodoo i Haiti ��

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