Company C, 4th Alabama Cavalry, CSA


Very little is known about the men of Company C.  It was probably organized in Tuscumbia, Alabama.  Many of the names were taken from the National Park Service listing at: Other names were found in a pension record found by Tom McCollister (Tuscumbia)

A letter by A.S. Grisham about the company's involvement in the Battle of Brice's Crossroads.  He describes the battle as "the severest Cavalry fights that ever was fought".  He states that the capture of the Federal wagon train (250 wagons), they "had plenty of shugar and coffee". The company had lost one man in the fight (Charley Chritain, of Tuscumbia) and at least one wounded slightly --"Poke Clear" (Polk Cleere).  There was also a lady wounded, who lived  in a "large white house that stands on the battleground". Thanks to Tom McCollister for sharing this.

13 Star "Stars and Bars"

1st National flag of the Confederacy.

Known Soldiers of Company C


James E. Moore, Capt.

M.D. Moreland, Capt.

George D. Cleere, 1st Lt. (source: pay voucher, thanks to Tom McCollister, Tuscumbia, AL)
 J. L. Clure, 1st Lt. (as listed by National Park Service, last name should be spelled "Cleere")

F. G. Wilson, 2nd Lt.

Enlisted Men: (note: men of unknown rank are listed under enlisted.)

T. J. Allen

 Lucas B. Carolton, (also Co. A, F)

Moses Carpenter

Charley Chritain (Christian?), source: name appears on an application for pension by Mary Grisham, widow of A. S. Grisham.  Lived in Tuscumbia, killed in action at the Battle of Brice's Crossroads).

 Polk Cleere ("Poke Clear", source: name appears on an application for pension by Mary Grisham, widow of A. S. Grisham. "Poke Clear" was slightly wounded when a piece of shell struck him on the back of the neck.)

F. Ewing (name appears on an application for pension by Mary Grisham, widow of A. S. Grisham.)

A. S. Grisham (name appears on an application for pension by Mary Grisham, widow of A. S. Grisham.)

Dick Hancock (name appears on an application for pension by Mary Grisham, widow of A. S. Grisham.)

G. W. Hurley

Reuben B. Joslyn

Hamilton Murphy

Robert W. Payton

Harry Turner (two Harry Turners are listed in the National Park Service listing, one with middle initial "S." and other "L.")


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Background music, "My Southern Soldier Boy", used with permission, from ReWEP Associates,
Copyrighted 1997.