Me Facts

My middle name is Marie, after my maternal grandma.

I'm really anal retentive at work about keeping my hands clean.  I will be convinced no matter what that the public is dirty and needs a bath.

When I'm watching TV in the living room I always have to have the shutters closed. We have huge windows and I'm paranoid about people outside looking at me while I'm watching TV.

I think I'm a good listener.  It's best to just sympathyze with someone instead of argue.  Arguing every little thing seems pathetic to me.

I visit Jack in the Box at least every three days.  I'm really afraid of the day all the fatty foods I eat catch up to me.

I'm mostly Russian with a teency bit of Irish and German in me.

Watermelon bubble gum makes me wet.

Usually, when I'm sitting at my computer and not really doing anything I have this silver star wand that I twirl around in my hands and hold up to the monitor and look at it's reflection.

My room is really plain, but all my friends think it's really cool.  They think it's shabby chic but it's just me being lazy and stealing all the antique furniture from around the house and putting it in my room.

I don't mind doing chores like vaccuuming or washing dishes but I hate it when people are in the room with me while I'm doing it.

I call everyone crackers.  "Fucking cracker" is the phrase I say most often.

I always wear eye makeup.  When I'm at home with nothing to do and no one around to see me, I feel the need to wear eye makeup, even though there is no point to it.

I really love Algebra.

Winter, by Tori Amos makes me cry no matter what.  It's pathetic, because three notes into the song I always start to tear up and if I listen to it the entire way through I will be crying.

David Letterman is so much better than Jay Leno.  Jay is just stupid.

I hate poetry.  Although, I love music and usually if a guy writes music that I like, I become really attracted to him.  If a guy read poetry to me I would have to dump him on the spot or just walk away, it disgusts me so much. I'm sure if Trent Reznor ever wrote a song about me I would begin to hate him.

When I sleep, I like the room to be really cold.  My duvet is really warm and that keeps me warm enough, but I always have to stick my feet out from under the covers.  Usually I fall asleep on my side, but I always wake up on my back.

I hate that annoying Pepsi girl.  She is so ugly.

I can't watch Disney movies.  They make me cry, and if I ever have kids I won't let them watch them.  Even though they always get resolved in the end, I still can't watch them.

My voice gets kind of squeaky when I'm hyper or excited about something.

I drink non fat milk.

Sneakers have no place in my wardrobe.  The only time I'll wear them is with my "warm up pants".  You know what I mean.

Some people say I drive like a little old lady, but I find it impossible to go at or below the speed limit, so I don't understand that statement.

I have a lot of cute nicknames for my dog except most of them have to do with feces for some reason; poopoo girl, doodoo monster, doodie, poober, peepee girl, wookie. She responds to all of them.

At last count, I had 16 Nine Inch Nails cd's along with the video set from 1996.

At last count I had 19 Oasis cd's. I doubt I'll buy any more at any time.

I can't stand Limp Bizkit or Korn or any of the other rap-metal fusion bands. It just doesn't seem right to me. I especially hate P.O.D.

I like to whistle and I'm really good at it. I can whistle really complex songs really fast and amaze my friends.

My right shoulder is messed up and it dislocates about once every two months. Usually it pops back in right away though, except when it rains, it gets sore.

I am a compulsive buyer when it comes to hair products. If there is a sale at Longs or Walgreens, I'll buy the most useless stuff. I currently own three straightening lotions, five anti-frizz potions, four leave in conditioners and three shine sprays, all of which were bought in a two week period.

No matter what time of year, my toenails must be painted. Since I wear sandals year round, my toes are always exposed and I feel naked without polish on them.

I used to be a compulsive returner when it came to clothes. I still have all of my reciepts going back two years in a shoebox, just in case. Although I haven't wanted to return anything in a long time.

I can't be in my room doing stuff and have my closet door open, unless the light is on in there. I hate seeing the shadows of clothes in the dark.

I have a really, really good memory, and I remember really wierd things. Sometimes when I bring up random memories about people they think I'm wierd and obsessed with them for remembering something they said to me in fifth grade.

I never had braces, but in fourth grade I had a gap between my two front teeth, so my mom made me steal those tiny rubberbands that go on braces as decorations and stick them around my teeth and ever since the gap closed, I've had perfect teeth and people always ask if I had braces. I tell them what I did in fifth grade and they all go "hmmm" and wish they had done that.

I love strip malls. Outdoor malls if you will. Especially trashy ones. There's so much culture there, it's like looking at America right down the middle.

I've only been tan maybe three times in my life. My mom tans beautifully but I burn, then peel, then I'm white-ish blue again. When my face was tan, I think I looked really good and completely different.

I've only had heartburn three times in my life.

I have this black t-shirt that I got my sophomore year of high school. It's black and tiny and long sleeved. I wear it way too much. Anyway, I've washed it so much you can see light shining through it and there are little loose threads after I wash it, but I just cut them off. I'm dreading having to get rid of it.

No one can pronounce my last name. The end syllable sounds like "fave", and people always say "feev" or "fev" and when I correct them they say, "That's what I said, I got it right!".

I adore my mother. I would rather spend time with her than anyone else. When I go to work with her, everyone says we are exactly alike.

My ex-best friend Keren made this zine of poetry she wrote and lyrics she liked and all sorts of stuff like that during our junior year of high school. So at the end of the zine there was this rant written about a transparent girl who seemed perfect at first but then she "cracked" and Keren was able to see her flaws and began to hate her. Then in the second issue of the zine there was a note that said the poem had been about me. Regardless, it was a really good piece of work and it got published in a district wide art journal for high schools.

I'm not the best ICQ buddy. I'm only visible to three people.

I hate taking my dog to the vet. She is so embarassing because she always wants to eat little children in the tiny waiting room.

My favorite color is black. Black cars, black clothes, black hair.

I have the worst singing voice ever. It's worse than Cameron Diaz in the Karaoke scene from My Best Friend's Wedding.

I think Pamela Anderson is really pretty, although I have a feeling in person she's really gross looking.

The list of things I say I hate goes on forever. I say I hate things when really, I'm indifferent.

I have really pretty hands. Once at a jewelry store I asked if they resized rings and when the jeweller saw my hands she kept going on about how I should do hand modelling for their catalog. They took my phone number and never called me.

I like to memorize my favorite movies so I can talk along with them. I am the master of Silence of the Lambs, unrivaled.

I happen to work best at night and right before deadlines.

Since I work, worked, work in a library and am able to sneak out back doors, I've stolen five books; three romance novels, one by Ernest Hemingway and another by Irvine Welsh. I have no intention of giving them back.

I have always and will always think I'm the best driver in the world.

We have a pool in our backyard and I never swim in it unless I have friends over. I do occasionally go in the spa though.

I've been told I say "pillow" and "milk" wierd.

When I'm thinking to myself, I always say things like "I we I I went to the store today."

I'm double jointed in only one of my thumbs.

I really like Marie Osmond a lot. I think she is so adorable and she seems like she would be so nice.

Sacramento is one of my favorite places ever. It has such trashy sections and a block away is really nice sections. I can't really explain it, I just go there whenever I have the chance.

I'm kinda wierd about money. Say I have $200 in cash on me. I can carry it around for two weeks without spending more than 35 of it, but if I had ,say, sixty to save for two weeks, I'll have to borrow money from my mom.

I think Trent Reznor is quite attractive.

My favorite tv shows are Cops, South Park, Kids in the Hall, Upright Citizens Brigade, and Jerry Springer. The trashier the better, because they help my ego and make me feel like a better person.

Everyone says I'm a good shopping partner. I'm really good at listening to what friends are looking for and finding something that suits them perfectly.

I hate it when people try to shake my hand. When I was 10 my mom told me women aren't supposed to shake hands with anybody and that most older men who had good training for etiquette should know that, and it's mostly true. Unfortunately not a lot of poeple know that and I always feel bad for them when they shake my hand. I don't not shake their hand, I just feel bad for them.

I have very short patience with people I don't know, but with people I love I have more patience than I should.

I can learn from my own mistakes and the mistakes of others.

Earthquakes really scare me. If we have one during the day usually I have to sleep with my door open and make my mom sleep with her door open that night. It's not so much the shaking that's the scary part, it's how loud they are.

I get migraines, especially during the summer. Looking at patterns or smelling something that's too strong or seeing bright lights can give me one.

I have NO respect for people who are unable to drive stick shifts. Although sometimes if my shoulder is being hinky I have a little trouble shifting into reverse, but, ya know. That's just because our Jeep is a piece of shit basically. Actually I am just weak.

I always sleep with my head on the bottom corners of my pillows. And usually I dont have my pillows pressed against the headboard so my feet usually can touch the bottom of my bed.

I don't like how when I meet new people I immediately want them to like me, so I act really nice, but once they do like me, I get sick of most of them pretty quickly.

When I saw the Bone Collector, I slept with the light on for a week. Thinking about certain scenes while I'm lying in bed at night still creeps me out too much, and I have to turn on the light.

I have a really high tolerance for boredom. I can just sit quietly and not move for long periods of time. When I saw American Beauty and saw the Army guy's wife doing it, it freaked me out, because I can do that!

Usually I hate it when geoups of people pay attention to me. I blush sooo much sometimes!

When I see eye glasses on display, even at Wal*mart, I absolutely have to stop and look and try them on.

I never smile at cashiers.

Almost everything I hear or see reminds me of a specific line from a song. Probably everyone is like that though.

I love Brit-pop. It's so cheesy, it's great. And I think Robbie Williams is just great.

I'm addicted to chapstick. I usually have at least three chapsticks and lip glosses in my purse at once, and several more in my car.

I bleach my hair. I tried dying it black, but thankfully it didn't hold and lost all it's color. It's true that once you lighten your hair you hate going back to darker.

In my slambook, I asked what people thought they admired most about people. I would have said punctuality, except then I would have sounded uptight so I said sense of humor or something like that. But I can't stress punctuality enough. If I'm late for anything, my entire day is ruined. And it pisses me off when people are late to dates with me.

I didn't get my drivers license until right before I turned 17. I just never got around to it until then.

I get carsick if I sit in the backseat for over a half hour or so.

I love doing laundry. I try to do a load each day for some reason. My mom gets mad at me because she says it makes our electricity bill too high.

I'm a very picky eater. It's easier to list the things I will eat than the things I won't eat.

Someday, I honestly will get a nose job.

I like to make people beg. At work when people tell me they need articles on a certain subject, and I say, "Okay which articles?" I won't help them find stuff, I'll only go get it for them.

When I eat vegetable soup and drink Coke with it, I get really agitated.

Mouth breathers annoy me... so much. It comes from my mom, who breathes out of her mouth when she's concentrating on something. I am especially disgusted when people let their tongue sit right on the edge of their lip and breathe out of their mouth. Someday I could snap and something bad could happen given the right circumstances, I hate mouth breathers so much.

I'm never happy with the way my hair is. I was once during the summer of 1999 but then I realized I hated it so I bleached it white. Then it was fried. Now I'm constantly wanting to go to black hair, if only I could get a nice tan and look really schexy.

I got fired from the third job I've ever had on the first day I worked there.

I've become really absent minded since I graduated high school. I'm not sure why, but I can definitely tell something is different.

Sometimes I'm really glad I live in the Bay Area and other times I really hate it. It seems like everyone makes so much money, it's intimidating to me.

When I lie lay lie out by the pool in my backyard I always close my eyes and pretend I'm at Pinecrest. It's retarded but I love being at Pinecrest. It's like Tahoe without all the people. I always try to talk my mom into buying a house up there and starting some sort of business.

I feel the need to wash my sheets twice a week. Clean sheets make me feel so nice and they're so easy to do!

I love love LOVE LOVE nine inch nails.

I especially love camping. I haven't been camping since I saw the Blair Witch Project though, so I'm not sure how it'll feel the next time we go.

I have a cyst behind my left ear that comes and goes. If I put a hot compress on it, it shrinks, except sometimes it hurts to touch.

I've never had a cavity. Well, when I was like 7 I had one, but it was on a baby tooth and it fell out a year after I got it filled.

My computer desk has my keyboard, monitor, plain blue mousepad, storm watch can holding pens and pencils, a microphone I've never used, a cool lamp I got for five bucks at a garage sale, speakers, assorted nail polishes and chapsticks, and a little bear wearing a plaid sweater.

I think guys who get artificial highlights are a little wierd. I also hate flat front khakis on guys. I do totally love guys who dye their hair black, though.

I honestly never liked Kew Kids On The Block. I did however, see a concert of theirs at the Oakland Coliseum in 1990. It was a birthday party for my friend Stephanie.

I'm glad Smashing Pumpkins decided to stop making music. I'm sure Billy Corgan will never go away though, and within two years he'll have some sort of lame, depressing solo album out. I wish Hole would go away too. And Metallica.

I can't drive with shoes on. Jack Purcells and Simples are the only kinds of shoes I can have on and drive with. I bought some flip flops to keep in the car so I could have something on my feet while I drive but those didn't feel right either. I am a barefoot driver but luckily, it's legal to do that in California.

I need tons of sleep. I think it's because of my poor excuse for a diet.

Whenever I hear any song from Depeche Mode's Violator album, I think of Pinecrest. The first time we went there in 1994 I had just gotten a new Walkman and had planned all these tapes to bring, but I forgot them. The only thing I remembered was my Walkman and it coincidentally had Violator in it, so I listened to it over and over again. I think I know just about every single sound on that album.

I'm really worried about going to see the Nine Inch Nails concert. I think after I go, there will be nothing for me to really look forward to, in terms of NIN. And I'm afraid of how much I'll get to see. I really dont want to be in the mosh pit, or in front of it getting smooshed. So I'll probably stay in the balcony like a geek. I'm definitely bringing my binoculars if you catch my drift.

I knew Loveline before anyone else! When their show was only broadcast on two radio stations. I like Ricki Rachtman a ton more than Adam Corrola.

I think Jessica Simpson is really ugly. So is Nick Lachey or however you spell it. They can have ugly children together, and probably will. And their videos are the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen.

I don't totally love it when people brag about what a bitch they are.

Deep down, I really wish I was more of a goth. I've wanted that since seventh grade.

My neck always hurts. I don't know why, it just always hurts and I have limited range of motion.

I have all my clocks set five minutes ahead on purpose. I'm anal retentive and always have to be on time for everything.

I hate getting email. There are like, three people I actually will send email back to; Erin, Corky, and sometimes my mom. But she usually tells me stuff she's already told me in her emails, so usually I don't even respond to her's. I really hate getting email. It's because I honestly don't like anyone. I wish I could explain why I like so few people, but even if I could, I probably wouldn't tell you.

I've perfected the art of the stare down. At work when I tell people who have reservations that they will have to wait a few minutes before I can seat them, they try to just stare at me and not say anything so I just stare back at them and not say anything. But you have to have a smile so they can't complain so I just kind of smile really wide and look at them like they're complete idiots.

I've become a compulsive skirt buyer. As of January 29, 2001, I own 23 skirts. Two of them I've never worn anywhere. Actually I own about five more skirts than that, but those 23 are the ones I like to wear.

I dye my hair black. It's neat.