
SYS and PRIVATE folders access

(S60 3rd edition)
It's a well-known fact it's currently impossible to access protected folders in Symbian OS 9.1 through a file manager.Many users that came from Series 60 2nd edition and that were used to access everything in the file system has now limited access in Symbian OS 9.1 due to platform security.After complaints of people all around the world, again... Alberto Bilheteria... returns, this time with a breathtaking action to access SYS and PRIVATE folders of memory card using the phone only.
With some 3rd edition devices and proper tools (such as wires, personal computers, and softwares), Alberto Bilheteria disassembled the phones and analyzed the whole Operating System in Alberto Bilheteria's 3D studios™ in order to find a "hole" in the security that would allow some more extended access to protected folders.And the result is this whirlwind of action you'll see in the next lines
  • Press menu key, find "File mgr." (the default file manager) and open it
  • Press Options-Find
  • You'll be prompted to choose between phone memory and memory card.Press down to select memory card
  • Type the name of that protected folder you want to browse through: either sys or private
  • Press Find and wait
  • The folder will appear in search results.It should appear as the first result if you type its whole name
  • Click on the folder and start browsing through its contents with Alberto Bilheteria...
  • What will you be able to do?
  • Browse through folders, subfolders and files inside sys folder
  • Copy files/folders from sys to another normal folder
  • Browse through folders, subfolders and files inside private folder
  • Move and copy files/folders from private folder to another normal folder
  • Rename and delete files/folders inside private folder
    -if even after having performed all steps you realize sys or private folder isn't appearing in search results, the folder is hidden.You'll need to put your memory card in a card reader (or using your phone as one), connect it to a PC, and clear "hidden" attribute of that folder that's not appearing."File manager" can't show hidden folders
    -don't use "File manager" tto create new folders anywhere.If you do that, "File manager" may set "hidden" attribute to private folder, and you'll need a PC to revert the situation
    -don't press "Cancel" whilee "File manager" is searching for files.For example, if you are used to type things very fast, and by mistake, you try to search for priu instead priv, wait patiently untill search finishes, and then search for the correct string.
    It's also recommended you not to cancel any operation "File manager" is performing at all.While "File manager" is opening folders or copying files, for example, avoid pressing Red key or left softley, as such keys can stop in-progress operations.In any of those cases, "File manager" might set "hidden" attribute to private folder.Again, you'll need a PC to make that folder visible again.
    -Avoid opening "File manageer" if your phone is low of battery.If battery runs out while "File manager" is running in background, it may also set "hidden" attribute to private folder.And you know what comes next
    -if the technique was workiing in your phone, and someday you realize protected folders aren't appearing anymore eventhough you have avoided the things this page tells to (i.e. avoid cancel operations "File manager" is performing), then some other application has set "hidden" attribute to the folder(s) you're trying to find
    -if you've followed all thee steps and tips in this page, and even so the protected folders aren't appearing, then your phone is not compatible with this technique
    -you can search directly for a specific file that's inside a protected folder by typing its name into "find" dialog.But in search results, some options like "Rename" won't be available.If you want to rename or view details of a file, then start browsing from the folder it's in and look for it manually

    -To copy files to a directoory inside private folder without using a PC, browse to that folder you want to copy files to, grab a second phone that can send files via infrared, and in your 3rd edition phone, press Options-Receive via infrared, then point the other phone to your 3rd edition device and send the file.It will be placed in the current folder you are
    And so, Alberto Bilheteria brings the world's first way to access protected folders of memory card using the phone only.Use that exclusive technique by Alberto Bilheteria to access protected folders while you wait for a file manager that has complete access to the file system
    ©2007 Alberto Bilheteria